Pretty good message
SupportPay To Consume
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Fedora Tipping

A surprisingly pro-white and pro-family movie. Beldar works hard to create and hold together a white nuclear family where the mom is trad, stays home and raises the kid. 

There are some affirmative action types in the movie, but they're in context, when they are poor and living in the ghetto their neighbors are decently stereotypical brown types. Once Beldar works hard to achieve success and they move into the suburbs, it's 100% white.

The good: shows nuclear family with man as a strong provider, hard work causes you to achieve success, pro-entrepreneur, good family values, no gay stuff at all, almost no feminism

The bad: a few throwaway gags are mildly offensive, daughter is shown in a sexual situation (which Beldar stops her from and condemns), one shot of Beldar's ass (which is missing the ass crack), plus they only have one kid which is anti-natalist

Jan 15th 2021
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