Gay Performances the Oscars Forgot

We need The Brandos to bring the love of movies into line with social consciousness. This inventory connects Oscar-watchers with movie history. It is named to honor the actor who most who revolutionized sexuality and spiritual identity by rousing everybody's gay feelings. Current protests calling for Oscar diversity neglect our responsibility to know what is valuable in gay and movie history. The Brandos, saluting great neglected gay screen performances, bring the Oscars out of the closet of Hollywood homophobia and bad taste.

Agnes Moorehead, Caged (1950)

As a prison warden who cares, Moorehead brought no-nonsense empathy to a portrayal of a bureaucrat pledged to maintain civility in a big bird cage of suffering, simmering females. Everyone enjoys Hope Emerson's bodacious, exploitative,...

Feb 26th 2016
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