‘Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2’ is lame James

As I walked out of the theater after seeing the Kevin James “Paul Blart” sequel, I had two things on my mind: The Wynn Las Vegas hotel and Cirque du Soleil’s “Le Reve” show, both of which get relentless product placement throughout. The rest was a blur of weak slapstick, one over-dyed moustache and vague sexism, ageism and sizeism (most of the latter directed at James, by James).

Picking up the plot of the first movie and relocating it to Vegas, “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” sees James’ obnoxious rent-a-cop attending a security officers’ conference, where his daughter Maya (Raini Rodriguez) is kidnapped by some “Ocean’s...

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Apr 16th 2015
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