This Forgotten Eastwood Film Deserves Some Love

Clint Eastwood remains one of our most iconic movie stars, but his directorial efforts are perhaps even more intriguing than his turns as The Man With No Name or Dirty Harry Callahan.

Yet one of his films simply doesn’t get the respect it richly deserves.

While underrated as an actor, Eastwood’s directorial body of work demonstrates a willingness to take great risks with challenging material. His films are polished, unpretentious and old fashioned in their presentation. They reflect a clean, straight forward storytelling popular more so when Eastwood was a young actor than what we commonly see today.

The director whose career is the most similar to Eastwood is John Huston, who also made films late into his life. Like Huston, Eastwood has taken enormous chances on demanding...

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Nov 20th 2021
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