"Desp*cable Me" and Blockbuster Budgeting

If I ran a movie studio….it’s astonishing how much studios spend on animated fare. The results are often spectacular — I recall how gobsmacked I was to see “Kung Fu Panda,” in which individual hairs on the title character’s fur were distinguishable. But these movies have skyrocketed in cost — the original “Toy Story” reportedly cost $30 million, the second $90 million, the third $180 million. Unbelievable. Do little kids really need that kind of obsessive attention to detail? Do adults? Don’t we really just want a story that works, some characters that are interesting enough to spend time with and some funny jokes? Just because you can animate every single bubble in the wave doesn’t mean it’s a wise use of your money. It...

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Jul 15th 2010
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