Movie Review: Lakeview Terrace

What would you do if a couple of Prius driving, Utne Reader subscribing, Zinfandel drinking, global warming believing, organic food eating yuppies moved in next door and had sex in their outdoor pool where your young children can and did see them? Well, if you’re right-winging LAPD veteran Abel Turner (Samuel L. Jackson) you declare a war of wills on the dirty, filthy hippies and let the conservatives in the audience live vicariously through your many misdeeds.

If loving Abel Turner is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Take the nice young couple up against the lawless LAPD officer in Unlawful Entry (1992), mix it with a Consenting Adults (1992)–like anxiety of being stuck next door to someone insinuating himself into your life, and then stir it all together with...

Proper Review
Sep 19th 2008
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