Movie Review: Quantum of Solace

By some tortured, objective filmmaking standard it might be possible to make the case that Quantum of Solace isn’t the worst James Bond film of all time, but I defy anyone to argue that it isn’t the least satisfying. After all, a bad James Bond film is still a James Bond film. There is that going for it. Invisible cars and Grace Jones have done no small amount of damage but in the smoking, campy wreckage there still lies a James Bond film. Unfortunately, in the smoking, plodding wreckage of Quantum of Solace that scrap of comfort is nowhere to be found. Quantum isn’t Bond #22, it’s Bourne #4, and the worst of the four but, you know, starring an adult this time.

After Daniel Craig’s knock-out debut in the superb Casino Royale (2006), two fatal mistakes were...

Proper Review
Nov 17th 2008
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