Wknd Box Office: Bridge of Spies, Steve Jobs, Goosebumps, Crimson Peak

By Debbie Schlussel

Of the new movies debuting in theaters today, the best of the bunch is a scary movie aimed at kids.

* “Bridge of Spies“: I didn’t like this movie for several reasons, primary among them the belittling of the dangerous conduct of a Soviet spy, the softening of Soviet human rights abuses, and the blatant moral equivalency of the U.S. and the Soviets portrayed in this film from the first frame. The movie begins with an onscreen statement of moral equivalency between the United States and the Soviet Union. And we were never equal. The statement says that during the height of the Cold War, the United States was afraid of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union was afraid of the U.S. It goes on to say that each country was fearful that the other...

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Oct 16th 2015
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