The Golden Calf Of Politics | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 1101

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[Music] today's show is sponsored by expressvpn stand up for your digital rights take action at ben so it looks as though republicans have the votes mitt romney now says that he is going to vote at least in favor of the nominee if the nominee is qualified which presumably the nominee will be now even lisa murkowski the senator from alaska she is apparently giving signs that she may vote for the nominee because i haven't seen the nominee yet but if i see the nominee and the nominee's qualified not sure why i shouldn't vote for that nominee which leaves only susan collins in vulnerable state in maine as the lone republican who would not vote for a trump nominee which means that whoever trump nominates is likely to pass with flying at colors president trump signaled his pleasure with this yesterday he praised mitt romney so mitt romney uh has this very weird career where he goes from being good to bad and bad to good and good to bad for everybody um now he is on trump's good side honestly i've always been relatively warm toward mitt romney i think that romney is an honest guy even when i disagreed with a lot of the stuff he was doing including how he voted on impeachment uh i i was not quite as uh sure as some other people on the conservative side word that romney was going to say that he wasn't going to vote on this nominee i just thought that that would be a career ender for him and it would be immoral to me he was trump praising mitt romney the senator from utah yesterday we have great support from the republican party tremendous support it's never been this unified before ever ever in the fake impeachment we had 196 to nothing republican support and we had 52 and a half to a half in the senate who was the half i can't imagine i came but he was very good today i have to tell you it was good now i'm happy thank you mitt thank you okay that's a little bit funny by the way some of it seems to be having a little bit of an effect in state polls there are a couple of new polls out today from abc news that show trump up slightly in arizona which would be a move that'd be a real move in the polls for trump shows him up 49 48 over joe biden in arizona it also shows him up 51-47 over joe biden in florida which puts trump much closer toward a path to re-election i think everybody was sort of assuming that arizona had escaped trump come 2020's election meanwhile the late night house are winding you can always tell where the emotional center of the democratic party base is simply by looking at the late night hosts who are aghast that republicans would move forward with the republican nominee when the president is a republican and the senate is republican here are a bunch of late night hosts pretending to be comedians but actually just being essentially slightly more or maybe slightly less humorous than the hosts on msnbc i get that the hypocrisy is baked in pointing it out won't change their minds it's like telling a middle school bully giving me a wedgie won't make your parents get back together he knows that he just wants to give you that wedgie it's truly amazing how mitch mcconnell's rules keep changing first it was oh we can't nominate a supreme court justice during an election year and then it's like oh asterix that rule doesn't apply when we have the white house man less than two hours after we learned of ginsburg's death we heard from senate majority leader and neutered dog sack mitch mcconnell wow he called him a neuter dog sack guys because he looks like testicles wow can you hear the human ring can you hear the comedy now one of the questions here has always been why the human cry i mean seriously why the insane response to what is a perfectly normal operation of government namely a seat comes open the president nominates the senate gets to vote on the nomination or not vote on the nomination as it sees fit but the the level of ire over this is so insane it can only be explicable if you recognize that for many democrats for many democrats including purportedly religious democrats politics is the religion this is the idol this is the golden calf ruth bader ginsburg is not merely a powerful figure who is worthy of emulation in many views of leftists she's a god-like figure this is why you saw people screaming crying to the skies this is why you see people gnashing their teeth rending their garments dousing themselves in in ash sitting outside the walls of the supreme court i mean this is this is the reaction and it is completely outsized now again i'm i remember when when justice antonin scalia died and everybody was very upset about this i mean this happened in the middle of the 2016 election and scalia was a far more weighty justice than ginsburg was you just to put this in context 100 years from now no one is going to remember a single decision that ginsburg wrote you can't name a single decision that ginsburg wrote right now okay ginsburg was not an extraordinarily weighty justice her career was weighty because of the the power of women to rise to the top ranks of american law although sandra day o'connor had already been on the supreme court for years by the time that ruth bader ginsburg got there so this this notion that her confirmation to the supreme court acted as a sort of as a sort of push forward for women generally was not true i mean that that supposed glass ceiling had already been broken that's not to demean her life but her judicial legacy is really non-existent she does not have tons of judicial legacy outside of the realm of civil procedure where she was a purported expert scalia was a much more consequential justice whose decisions will still be read 100 years from now republicans were upset about it republicans did not go into the apoplexy of mourning and rage that you saw over ginsburg they just they didn't it wasn't a thing that happened i remember because i was there okay but but democrats are pulling out all the stops here i mean they are treating this as though a saint has passed away like an actual religious aid not like she's a saintly person like an actual religious saint has passed away which means that they are now going to react to republicans attempting to fill that seat with outsized outrage and an insane overreaction chuck schumer yesterday actually blocked an intelligence hearing a counterintelligence hearing so there was an intel a counterintelligence hearing that was supposed to start it was supposed to be about election threats democrats have been claiming for years that republicans are going soft on election threats how much do democrats care about threats to the integrity of american elections they care so little that they were willing to put off the hearing in a fit of sheer peak at the fact that republicans were going to vote on whoever trump nominates chuck schumer blocking an intelligence hearing yesterday on behalf of the office of the director of national intelligence that that meeting occurred during today's session of the senate is there objection observing the right to object democratic leader reserving the right to object because the senate republicans have no respect for the institution we won't have business as usual here in the senate i object i object i objected we're not going to do business at all we're going to stop business as usual because republicans have no respect for the institution we don't do the things the senate is supposed to do from now on i mean this was the hallmark by the way of chuck schumer's response yesterday we love the senate so much that we are going to stop all business in the senate and also wreck the institution of the senate which suggests to me you don't love the senate all that much and as i've been saying for the past several days for democrats they like the senate when it is a tool of power on their behalf they do not like the senate when it is not a tool of power on their behalf they like the filibuster when it's a tool of power on their behalf they don't like it when it is not a tool of power on their behalf they love the supreme court when it is cramming down same-sex marriage on the entire country in direct contravention to both the constitution of the united states and state laws all over the country they don't like it so much when the supreme court is rejecting their particular arguments on the constitutionality of rescinding daca for example so in other words the institutions are only good when they do what they want them to do which is the sign that you have no institutional allegiance at all you don't care about the institution what you care about is the power and everybody knows it which is one of the reasons why republicans are unwilling to cut a deal with democrats in order to come to some sort of conclusion here because why would you trust anybody who hates the institution so much they are willing to wreck it in the first place i mean here was chuck schumer yesterday again reiterating this thing they're ruining the institution of the senate they're ruining it they're ruining it so much that i would like to get rid of the filibuster which has been around and in use since 1837 and i want to add states to the senate willy-nilly with democratic senators that's how much i love the senate all i want to do is completely skew it leader mcconnell's actions may now very well destroy the institution of the senate if leader mcconnell presses forward republican the republican majority will have stolen two supreme court seats four years apart leader mcconnell has basically decided the rules don't apply to republicans even their own rules it's just brute political force okay first of all let's point something out if chuck schumer were in charge of the senate in 2016 who would have rammed through merrick garland he wouldn't have waited let's stop pretending that he's going to abide by the so-called mcconnell rule and mcconnell by the way did say at the time that when the parties are not the same for the president and the senate that that makes a difference in this calculation but again the the notion that the democrats are the great senate defenders the institutional defenders beggars the imagination it's truly wild we'll get some more of this in just one second first let us talk about the fact that you're overpaying for your cell phone bill you are okay it's just a fact you're paying too much money the reason you're paying too much money probably you're paying for that unlimited data and you're probably not using unlimited data because by definition it's unlimited and you cannot use unlimited data you probably don't need it what you actually need is a program from talk pure talk will give you the exact same coverage the same towers the same bars but it will cost you half no contract no excessive fees you're gonna save yourself a ton of money right now enjoy a limited talk text and two gigs of data all for just 20 bucks a month the average person is saving 400 a year on their wireless bill so grab your 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on the supreme court being chosen by presidents who didn't even get the majority of the popular vote any way you look at it we're getting less democratic by the day okay so note if you're talking about majority of the popular vote bill clinton never won a majority of the popular vote jfk did not win a majority of the popular vote woodrow wilson did not win a majority of the popular vote they all got to appoint justices in fact of the democratic president since the turn of the 20th century the democratic president who have not won the popular vote have appointed some 11 justices to the supreme court during that time also if the great problem here is that we are in danger of justices being chosen by popular minorities you know who's okay with that the founders you know i know they were okay with it because they did not give the function of judicial confirmation to the house of representatives which is staffed by population they give it to the senate which is fundamentally not based on popular representation if they had actually wanted the function of confirming justices to be put in the hands of the popular assembly they would have put it in the house they didn't they put it in the senate so thank you pete booty judge for yet another example of your complete ignorance about how constitutional law works that's really exciting stuff but again what this really goes back to more than anything is the levels of idolatry that democrats have for politics because if you believe that you are this far short of utopia utopia is ever receding of course because you never reach it but if you are this far short of utopia and doing your part and fulfilling your religious obligation and then you have a setback well that's a day of mourning that's like in the jewish calendar tisha b'av it's like the destruction of the temple and i've never seen anything made more clear than this by a there's a video from a congregation reformed congregation in new jersey okay this is a i guess it's called temple near tamid now let me make clear my opinion of reform judaism i think that reform judaism as currently constituted has almost literally nothing to do with traditional judaism traditional judaism in any way except that occasionally reform judaism suggests that you wear some of the same funny accoutrements as people who are orthodox but reform judaism does not strictly abide by any form of doesn't abide by jewish law it has nothing to do with jewish philosophy it really is just progressivism masquerading as religion but it's not masquerading as religion it's progress progressivism as the religion it's not progressivism pretending to be religion even it is progressivism is the religion and adherence to progressivism must conquer all if you want to make your way into heaven then what you have to do is declare your fealty to progressivism and progressive icons progressive saints you have to do your do your penance to progressivism i've never seen anything made more clear the substitution of progressivism for judaism which by the way has been ongoing in the jewish community for an extremely long time there's a vast divide between how orthodox jews vote for example and the rest of the jewish community orthodox jews can devote overwhelmingly republican because it turns out that biblical values tend to be a lot more socially conservative and a lot more pro-israel but progressive jews meaning jews who by and large do not believe very much in in jewish religion they kind of like the cultural judaism aspect they like to they like the bagels they like the locks they like the matzo balls every so often they like to go to synagogue mainly so they can hear people sing for like an hour and a half and then they break on yom kippur for lunch you know that that is not judaism is a religion in fact it has nothing to do with judaism as a religion it is basically just some sort of cultural solidarity unlinked in any serious way to underlying jewish values or jewish philosophy progressivism is the religion and then you just slap a little bit of jewish kind of flavoring on top you see you slap a little bit of matzo ball soup and some and some schmaltz on top and then you're like oh well i guess this is judaism now okay that's that's what reform judaism has become even more reconstruction is judaism conservative judaism uh it doesn't really exist anymore conservative like old style jewish theological seminary judaism it's broken down into modern orthodox and then and then into reform and reconstructionists the reason i bring this up is because this is the greatest example of substitution of progressivism for religion i have ever seen so this temple near tamid again it is a reform synagogue in new jersey the rabbi of the congregation gets up in the aftermath of ruth bader ginsburg's death and his name is mark katz he stands alongside a cantor named meredith greenberg and they decide to do the hof torah so the hafthora for folks again who are not versed in jewish ritual the huff torah is a segment that you read after the torah reading so every saturday and on holidays you read the a section of the torah right you've heard me on the show before do you know full-on analyses of the torah portion of the week so you read a section of the torah and then because for a long time particularly during the the roman period jews were barred from reading from the torah the jews added a haftura meaning that they added a segment from the nivia from the from the prophet from the writings and the prophets and that was supposed to substitute sort of for the torah reading and then eventually when the torah was allowed to be read again you'd read the torah reading and then you would read a section from the prophet okay so the haf torah has its own special sort of cantillation it has its own sort of trope and trump are sort of the the way you sing it so this temple decided i i it's beyond it's beyond blasphemy what this is they decided that they were going to substitute for the words of the prophets instead of a segment from isaiah or a segment from ezekiel or a segment from the book of samuel or something they were going to substitute the writings of ruth bader ginsburg a woman whose most prominent stances were fairly obviously not in favor of of judaism she was a very strong cultural jew was ruth bader ginsburg and that's wonderful and fine but ruth better ginsburg's rulings from the bench were largely in favor of abortion on demand and restrictions on religion via the hand of government and that if you're going to talk about her in a religious context that's where she was so they decide that they are going to read the a half torah right they are literally going to take the words of ruth vader ginsburg substitute them for the words of the prophets and then sing them to the same tunes you would sing the actual jewish prophets in a synagogue okay this is not only blasphemous it is a perfect a perfect crystallization of the substitution of progressivism for religion it's especially from the jewish community unfortunately it has also happened in a wide variety of other communities ranging from the catholic to the protestant it is obviously most pronounced in the jewish community and by far it is not close okay so here is what this sounded like when i saw this i couldn't believe it i honestly couldn't believe it i thought it was a parody i thought it was something from saturday night live it is so bizarre and insane on every level but this is a thing that happened there's a thing that happened because when politics is your golden calf when you don't really believe in god when what you really believe in is the power of the collective to shape the imagination then this is what you end up with so here are people donning the garb of judaism in order to preach the words of ruth bader ginsburg all right here we go i tell law students if you are going to be a lawyer and just practice your profession you have a skill very much like a plumber but if you want to be a true professional you will do something outside yourself something that makes life a little better for people less fortunate than you okay a few things here gross i mean truly gross using the using the uh the trappings and the and the halachic accoutrements to promote the verbiage of ruth bader ginsburg from the deus in shul is unbelievable levels of golden calf idolatry in really like top-notch stuff right there on rosh hashanah really really well done right there okay and then beyond all of that i challenge you to recite back to me that quote was that anything nearly as memorable as anything from you know the book of samuel either one or two well was that anything remotely memorable in any way but these are the words of the prophets i mean this is literally what this doof said this doof said women he he said that she was a modern-day prophet she was a modern-day prophet and so he decided to substitute her words for those of you know actual prophets well i mean obviously she was not a modern-day prophet she was just a political leftist that doesn't mean you're a modern-day prophet what is the prophecy exactly when one of the things prophets are supposed to do is have an accurate depiction of the future i mean i i can say that she obviously would have liked to sit on the court until a democrat was president so i mean when we're talking about prophecy not not so much prophecy happening there but this was not rare in the jewish community i'm gonna get some more examples of this in one second because again the substitution of progressivism for religion it is a religion progressivism is a religion in which there are saints and sinners in which forgiveness is never truly earned you're always held to the fire no matter what i would say progressivism in many ways is more like a cult than a religion even at least in religion there comes a point where once you've repented you're cleansed of your sin and progressivism you're never cleansed of your sin your sin can always be brought back up to you and thus used as a cudgel in order to get you to do more progressive things that is the chief aspect of progressivism that is that is truly mortifying we'll get some more of this in just one second first if you've been listening to the show for a while you've probably heard me talk about my helix sleep mattress it's fantastic right i mean i basically would not sleep for it not for the quality of my personalized helix sleep mattress well you know what helix has now gone beyond the bedroom they've started making sofas they launched a new company called all form they are making premium customizable sofas and chairs shipped directly to your door so what makes an all form sofa really cool well for starters it's the easiest way you can customize a sofa using premium materials and at a fraction of the cost of traditional stores you can pick your fabric it is spill stain scratch resistant the sofa color the color 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friday night later that evening he joined an impromptu zoom call where about 30 congregants remembered the justice as an inspiration and exemplar attorneys on the call said they had modeled their careers after her stanton recalled others worried aloud about the sacred role sacred role the court plays in our democracy sacred it is not a sacred rule it is a check and balance it is not a sacred role sacred means ordained by god okay that is not a sacred role it can be a cherished role it can be an important role it is not a sacred role the substitution of progressivism for religion is one of the great and awful developments of the 20th century and it is awful it is absolutely terrible using again rosh hashanah which is one of the high holy days in the jewish calendar in order to forward progressivism and to elevate ruth bader ginsburg into the sort of high echelon of the prophets is pretty incredible stuff this is not relegated by the way to the jewish community it is not the way that progressivism views religion is that like everything else for progressives tool religion is a tool and it really is more about the trappings of religion so that you can pretend that you are allied with the religious rather than it is about the actual doctrines of the religion in fact anybody who says that they are in favor of the doctrines of their religion is anti-progressivism and is therefore some sort of blasphemer right if you're a religious jew there is nobody that reformed jews are more angry at than religious jews i mean seriously reformed jews when they look at religious jews who take the torah seriously and take jewish law seriously not to get in sort of the dirty business of the jewish community the antipathy that reformed judaism holds for orthodox judaism is extraordinary and the same thing is true in a lot of christian communities progressive christians feel a lot of antipathy for evangelical christians progressive catholics feel an extraordinary level of antipathy for religious catholics for more orthodox catholics see for progressives religion is supposed to be about the trappings it's not supposed to be about the doctrine if you take the doctrine seriously you got a problem because the doctrine could be in direct conflict with the progressive doctrine and if those two are in conflict the progressive doctrine right the golden calf and the actual religion then the religion has to be torn down and you can see this most obviously in the way that democrats are preparing to treat amy comey barrett so amy comey barrett seventh circuit court of appeals judge she is a an orthodox catholic has described herself that way she has seven children fi five of them are natural born two of them are adopted from haiti by all accounts has led a pretty model stellar life clerk for justice scalia taught at university of notre dame law school you know is is really a great candidate in a variety of ways and seems like a really good person she seems like a really good person but she is called into question because why according to progressives if you refuse to follow the

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