Democratic Convention Night Of The Living Dead | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 1077
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Like this video?ย For more Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire content, subscribe to this channelย and ring the bell for notifications so you never miss a story!bill clinton returns from the grave to give a keynote john kerry arrives fresh off his foreign policy failures so lecture americans and aoc checks off every single sjw bingo box inside of one minute i'm ben shapiro this is the ben shapiro show today's show is sponsored by expressvpn don't let others track what you do keep yourself safe at ben we have a lot to get to today we'll get to all of it in just one second first a great reminder you may have noticed that it's getting hot out there in a lot of place in california it's so hot we've got rolling blackouts well now would have been a good time for you to get some good window coverings like some good shades you got the old blinds they aren't working particularly well you need to replace those you need to upgrade the look and feel of your home and your comfort level this is why you need 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home and save on electricity bills in many cases go check them out at that's alrighty so night two democratic national convention excitement on the order of the reaction to the finale of lost i mean just endless levels of excitement how exciting has this convention been well knight one was down 28 year on year it turns out that running a bunch of bad youtube videos in a row really doesn't do it for people and while michelle obama was indeed a draw knight two did not feature michelle obama knight two featured a bunch of democratic retreads talking about their crappy foreign policy perspectives and making selfless completely un non-self-aware comments about politics i mean that really was the theme was non-ironic unaware comments about politics last night from a variety of democratic figures just saying things that can be characterized as gaslighting gaslighting for those who don't know is a phenomenon wherein you drive somebody crazy by pretending something isn't happening happening that definitely is happening it comes from a movie called gaslight starring ingrid bergman going all the way back in which it's at least charles boyer charles boye plays ingrid bergman's husband and he wants to drive her nuts and so every night he turns down the gas lights in the house and then she says have you turned down the gas like he says no everything is fine nothing has changed right that's that's gaslighting that's where the the phrase comes from last night was example par excellence of gaslighting and you got to feel in american politics like one of the things that's happening is the insane amount of gaslighting on all sides really is pretty crazy i mean the best example of gaslighting that i've seen continues to be the media's willingness to prop up andrew cuomo the worst governor in america that stupid ass is now being given a book contract to write about kovid his st it's like the captain of the titanic being contracted to write about proper navigation of the oceans the the thing is called american crisis it's called american crisis and they released the book cover and it's just a picture of andrew cuomo on the book cover looking all stern and leadery okay again it's called the american crisis it really should be called if i did it like the o.j simpson book if i did it so we're being gaslit on a variety of issues and the gas lighting was on full display at the dnc it's been on full display at the dnc the dnc continues to be a radical organization but then the leadership of the nc will pretend that it's not a radical organization so for example linda sarsour right linda sarsour is a radical anti-semite a person who has spoken in defense of terrorists before she's exorbitantly anti-semitic i mean really dislikes jews and she is a muslim delegate to the dnc she didn't have like an official appearance it's not like they slated her for a speaking role but she appeared at one of the daytime sessions apparently from some sort of hotel room for the dnc caucus and council meeting as a muslim delegate and allies assembly and suggested that the dnc was basically run by people like her and she actually said that the dnc stands with us stands with us which is kind of true okay i mean it's been true for quite a while by the way i was there at the 2012 democratic convention at which the democrats from the floor overruled what was obviously a majority of the delegates in trying to remove jerusalem as israel's capital from the dnc platform sarsour her appearance in this little caucus video it actually caused the biden campaign to come out and condemn linda sarsour because they they understand where their bread is buttered in terms of american politics linda sarsour is is not a particularly popular figure on any side of the aisle except the radical left a biden spokesman named andrew bates said joe biden has been a strong supporter of israel and a vehement opponent of anti-semitism his entire life he obviously condemns her views and opposes bds as does the democratic platform she has no role in the biden campaign whatsoever okay so there's a bit of gaslighting she's still a delegate right she's still saying that the party is her party and she's still hobnobbing with people like aoc right she's never been disavowed by members of the squad of course and she won't be disavowed by any members of the squad other examples of gaslighting yesterday at the dnc in sort of the lead up to the prime time again i paid more attention than i think most people to the stuff before the prime time because again the prime time is the dating profile and the stuff that happens during the day is the actual on the ground grassroots democratic party at work elizabeth warren spoke to the dnc's native american caucus which is like i can't think of anything more tone deaf than that elizabeth warren fake native american who claimed native american ancestry to get ahead in her career was speaking on behalf of the dnc to native americans it was real real weird so that's a bit of gaslighting as well okay so finally we get to prime time and we get the cavalcade of comedy stars from the dnc we get a bunch of democrats coming out and saying stuff that it's almost impossible to believe that they don't understand the irony of what they are saying they're just brought out figure after figure to say things that are in direct contravention of things these people have done to take a perfect example governor stacey abrams of georgia i speak ironically of course because she is not actually governor of georgia but believes she is despite the fact she lost my 50 000 votes in georgia and she's been wandering the streets ever since claiming to be the governor of georgia now apparently i'm just shocked she didn't declare herself the vice presidential nominee in this particular little speech so she spoke at the at the dnc in this little online convention they're having and she said we're going to work to stop voter suppression she talked about the undermining of elections now this has been her stick for quite a while is that our elections are being undermined she's literally been going around for years at this point claiming that she won an election she lost by 50 000 votes and she or she is talking about electoral integrity stacey abrams again the fact that this woman was even considered for vp demonstrates what a joke the democratic party is at the highest levels here's stacey abrams joe biden is a man of proven courage he will restore our moral compass by confronting our challenges not by hiding from them or undermining our elections to keep his job in a time of voter suppression at home and authoritarians abroad joe biden will be a champion for free and fair elections trump is undermining elections unlike stacey abrams who goes around claiming without any basis whatsoever that the vote was suppressed in georgia so that was a bit of irony that we are just not really allowed to note according to the media and then we got sally yates so sally gates is the former acting attorney general you'll recall that sally yates was fired by the trump administration because trump believed as it turns out sort of correctly that sally yates was oriented against the trump administration sally yates it is also worth noting has testified publicly at this point that she was shocked to learn in the early days of the of the incoming trump administration the outgoing obama administration that barack obama and joe biden were full in in knowledge with regard to michael flynn and the pursuit of michael flynn right sally yates has said that she was shocked that james comey was not fully informing the trump team about the fact that they're investigating michael flynn and that she was shocked to learn that joe biden and barack obama were fully informed and in the loop on an investigation into michael flynn and that's essentially what she has suggested in front of congress yet here with sally yates suggesting that donald trump is attacking our institutions when she's literally testified that she was part of an administration that was attacking basic institutions like you don't sick your intelligence sources on your incoming administration that you dislike here's sally yates though talking about undermining american institutions his constant attacks on the fbi the free press inspectors general federal judges they all have one purpose to remove any check on his abuse of power put simply he treats our country like it's his family business this time bankrupting our nation's moral authority by the way she's been a long time democratic donor so she started this thing off by saying i'm not really a political figure i'm a more illegal figure she's been giving democrats for for a very long time sally yates testifying about institutional abuses while she was in the obama administration which was institutionally abusing michael flynn institutionally abusing carter page kind of ironic we'll get to more ironies from the democratic national convention in just one second first let us talk about the fact that right now a lot of people are looking at the news and thinking can i even get life insurance right now is that even a possibility the answer of course is yes it is still easy to shop for life insurance right now if you have loved ones depending on your income you probably should right now you could save 1500 bucks or more per year by using policy genius to compare life insurance policies whether you're shopping for a policy that could last for a decade or more or not you should be checking out policy genius to competitively shop what is policy genius it's an insurance marketplace and they make it really easy step one you head on over to in minutes you can work out how much coverage you need you can compare quotes from top insurers and find your best price step two you can apply for your lowest price step three the policy genius team will handle all the paperwork and the red tape policy genius works for you not 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into a short period of time than any person alive it is truly an incredible skill if you had a bingo card drinking game you were dead of alcohol poisoning inside of a minute she had 60 minutes 60 seconds to express herself and she hits every single square on the sjw democratic socialist of america marxist bingo card i mean just one after another it's pretty astonishing she's like the auctioneer of sjw nonsense so here is aoc she did the pro forma nomination of bernie sanders some people got this wrong suggesting that she was trying to undermine binding that's not the way this works in honor of the person who finished second there's always somebody who nominates that person to the presidency here was aoc just spitting out spitting some hot lyrics about racial injustice colonization misogyny infidelity and gratitude to a mass people's movement working to establish 21st century social economic and human rights including guaranteed health care higher education living wages and labor rights for all people in the united states a movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice colonization misogyny and homophobia drink okay so then she she went on with that but you're already dead of alcohol poisoning it's too late this is why you really need to have like a smirnoff iced drinking games with aoc when it comes to sjw kind of crap did you get all of that racial injustice colonization misogyny homophobia we're gonna heal all those wounds through bernie sanders okay so don't worry not a radical party aoc is just the leader of a newfangled squad that is gaining members by the election they've gained two new members to the squad they have uh a woman who is a social justice activist a michael brown protester turned congress person over in missouri and then they have a person who got rid of elliot engel over in new york basically because eliot angle was pro-israel so very exciting stuff the squad continues to grow inside the democratic party but don't worry it is a moderate party and then the gaslighting continued chuck schumer the senate minority leader arrived to explain that president trump has divided the country now let it be known that chuck schumer is currently in the senate holding up any deal that will allow anybody to get increased aid from the government in a time of government shutdowns specifically because he and nancy pelosi have combined to push a 3.4 trillion dollar pork package that pays off all of the various democratic priorities from the post office to various union interests okay they're holding it up purely and specifically because they want that deal not to happen because then trump might get credit and the economy might be upheld instead they're openly rooting for failure don't worry chuck schumer isn't the one who's divisive chuck schumer and his democrats aren't the ones who are divisive only donald trump is divisive now as i've said before whatever you think about trump and his divisiveness and there's no question he's a divisive figure the fact is that trump when it comes to american politics is not the murderer he is the coroner chuck schumer has been in washington dc since the times of abraham lincoln chuck schumer has contributed more to polarization in washington over the course of his career than donald trump has over the course of the last four years for certain here is chuck schumer talking about divisions in the country which can be healed by chuck schumer in some way here is chuck schumer a a pretty gross politician if ever we've seen one here is chuck schumer the statue of liberty the same site that greeted hopeful immigrants like my grandparents a symbol of freedom and a beacon of hope to the world today donald trump has divided our country diminished our greatness and demeaned everything that this statue represents he even hid in a bunker as americans were tear gassed and beaten okay come come on i mean they're focusing purely in on on the the lafayette square incident this has become the big talking point is lafayette square incident which by the way is under dispute as to whether protesters were actually attacking members of the park service and all that the studious avoidance of things that are actually going on in the country on a wide scale is pretty incredible portland doesn't exist poof seattle doesn't exist poof la it doesn't exist chicago doesn't exist new york doesn't exist washington dc doesn't exist none of this exists according to the democrats so who are you going to believe chuck schumer standing in front of the statue of liberty in the dark in a shut down city or your own eyes which one are you gonna believe don't worry trump is the really divisive force here all you have to do is elect the democrats and the riots will stop which by the way is the tacit promise here right we all know what the tacit promise here the tacit promise here is that if the democrats get what they want and donald trump leaves office then the riots and the big cities will stop then the lockdowns will gradually end there's a new york times article by the way just a couple of days ago talking about the shutdowns of public education there are new studies out suggesting that kids under the age of 10 really are not transmitting this to parents like in any mass numbers and that even kids above the age of 10 are not transmitting this in the same kinds of numbers as fully grown adults hey there's not a good reason why schools should be shut down at this point schools are open across europe schools are open across asia schools are open in canada schools are take some precautions open the schools even new york is looking at opening the schools but the new york times acknowledged that much of the reason that a lot of schools are closed is because democrats have decided that if trump wants the schools open the schools must be closed and at some point trump has got to start engaging in some reverse psychology with these people and simply advocate for complete and endless shutdowns so the democrats will start advocating for opening up the economy again but it it is fairly incredible that chuck schumer and and the democrats continue to claim that all of the bad things that are happening are donald trump's fault all you have to do is elect us and then we will leave you alone it's really a reflection of 1960s politics i was listening to another podcast yesterday the commentary magazine podcast which is quite good and uh and always interesting and they were they were amusing over the fact that the democratic national convention if you look at the way that they label various people at the dnc they're constantly labeling people activists and they no longer label them by their sort of political title they now label them activists right the cory bush who's the woman who just won in in missouri in this fraught district uh she is an activist right aoc likes to think of herself as an activist you have a lot of government officials in the democratic party who consider themselves activists well activists define themselves by opposition to the system and so what's really happening here is that the democrats are playing an inside outside game the inside outside game is they pretend that they are activists who are shaping the system from the outside while simultaneously taking over the institutions so they can make concessions to the activist side and this has been happening on college campuses for years where you have administrators who used to be activists caving to the newfangled activists who then become the administrators who then cave to the newfangled activists is how you constantly push to the left this is what happened in major cities in the 1960s there's a there's a great book by a man named fred siegel one of the founders of the manhattan institute called the future once happened here talking about the decline of america's major cities in the 1960s and one of the major forces that led to that was the inside outside game being played by rioters looters and quote unquote activists outside the government pushing members of the government and members of the government would openly acknowledge they would openly say we're so glad we have these activists outside creating chaos so that we have to cave to the chaos well you shouldn't be blackmailed into voting for democrats you should not be blackmailed into voting for democrats by watching as democrats foster chaos in america's major cities as they talk about defunding the police as they talk about making room for people to riot and loot and then they suggest you know what all of this will go away just give us more power okay that is an ugly tactic but it is a tactic that is indeed happening the same democrats who are suggesting guys you know these lockdowns they're really really really necessary but if you elect us then we'll solve it and then the lockdowns will just go away the tacit promise is we will stop opposing you being able to do your job and do your business so long as you elect us that's a blackmail threat it really is and you shouldn't cave to it if you're a free thinking american you should not cave to anybody telling you that you cannot take advantage of your rights unless you elect them that's a pretty ugly pitch it will get you more of democratic hypocrisy from the dnc last night and again trotting out just some really old retreads really old redreds we'll get to that in just one second first let us talk about your mouth health so you may be thinking you know what you know okay so i don't brush my teeth as often as the dentist says i'm supposed to is that really going to kill me yes the answer is definitely good i mean the fact is that your mouth health is connected to things like your heart health for example and this is why you need a toothbrush that is actually going to do a good job of cleaning your teeth this is why you need quip the quip smart brush for adults and kids connects to the quip app with 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the rise of the ayatollahs which we are still feeling the impact of jimmy carter presided over stagflation he was an awful president he was such a bad president that he got absolutely walloped by ronald reagan who was considered the underdog when that race started and so jimmy carter was a disastrous president he's been a disastrous post-president by the way in his politics this is a guy who's made overtures to hamas the terrorist group this is a man who in the aftermath of his presidency spoke with the soviets openly about how terrible the the the reagan administration was jimmy carter has been a disaster on foreign policy for a long time now last night was the foreign policy night of the convention this very often is the pattern you have sort of a an introductory night then you have the foreign policy night and then you have the vp night and then you have the presidential night that's that's usually the pattern so tonight is the vp nights we get to hear from kamala harris and her joker laugh okay well we'll get to hear some of that maybe we won't get to hear that tonight because kamala harris isn't being asked to have questions tonight anyway jimmy carter was trotted forth to endorse and i'm old enough to remember in 2004 when jimmy carter was sitting in the presidential box with michael moore which shows you where jimmy carter actually sits on politics just because the man is quite elderly does not mean that he was a good president or that he has pursued in any way anything remotely approaching a moral foreign policy he never has and so having him speak on foreign policy tonight is quite the achievement here was jimmy carter endorsing joe biden who by the way for the record has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue of his lifetime it is impressive i mean it like they say that a stopped clock is right twice a day joe biden has yet to be right he's not actually a stop he's just moving very very very slowly so he has never actually been right it's it's incredible you you have to be like like even if you just fill in c on all the bubbles of the s.a.t you'll end up getting a couple of those questions right somehow joe biden has studiously avoided being right his entire career on foreign policy anyway here was jimmy carter endorsing him when i ran for president in 1976 joe biden was my first and most effective supporter in the senate for decades he has been my loyal and dedicated friend joe has the experience character and decency to bring us together and restore america's greatness in these uncertain times nobody realizes that many american lives can be saved each day through the use of mass and testing as recommended by our medical experts joe biden must be our next president okay great jimmy i need to hear who needs to be the next president from jimmy carter i mean that is a sterling recommendation from a man who is literally one of the five worst presidents in the history of the united states so that that is very very exciting stuff okay then we got bill clinton okay so i'm old enough to remember when the democratic party was the me too party believe all women believe all women justice brett kavanaugh was probably a rapist based on no evidence whatsoever other than an account that was disputed by every single other person who's mentioned in the account from christine blasey ford i'm old enough to remember when the democratic party was declaring that anyone everyone who is accused of a thing had to go in fact in that brief moment there was some talk in the democratic party about how bill clinton was done right bill clinton had to go right there was talk in this newfangled democratic party about how if they could go back in time they really would have rethought that whole lewinsky paula jones juanita broderick thing and maybe they would have thought twice about clinton well now they thought twice about thinking twice so bill clinton got trotted out to give again one of the least self-aware speeches in the history of a of a convention so we're going to get into the non-ironic speech by bill clinton like did he run it by anybody before he said it out loud we'll get to that in just one second first let us talk about the fact that now is not a great time to go to the auto parts store in fact that never is a great time to go to the auto par

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