They’re Going To Tell You To Mask Again. No. | Ep. 1302
07:52 "... health in jacksonville the covenant 19 ..."

#TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWirethe biden administration considers a new masked push even for the vaccinated my answer is no i'm ben shapiro this is the bench bureau show [Music] the ben shapiro show is sponsored by expressvpn for peace of mind whenever you go online visit ben well if you ever take a look at your monthly bills you may have noticed you're paying way too much money for your cell phone provider how do i know you're paying too much money well if you're with anybody other than pure talk usa you're paying too much money take a look at that cell phone bill if you're with verizon a t or t-mobile you're paying too much because pure talk could be saving your family over 800 dollars a year same great coverage because pure talk is on the exact same network as one of the big three but at a fraction of the price and switching is as easy as switching out your sim card you can keep your phone keep your number or get huge discounts on the latest iphones and androids plus 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is unsupportable it is not supportable by the evidence the reason that it is unsupportable by the evidence is because the reality is that we do have a pandemic that continues to harm people if you are unvaccinated if you are vaccinated however then this thing really is no longer of serious concern to you it is not particularly dangerous to you and we are seeing this in the statistics so for example here is a chart from the united kingdom okay this chart from the united kingdom shows a large scale difference between the second wave and the third wave what it shows is cases versus deaths over days one through 50 of the uk's second and third coveted waves now typically what happens with regards to these covered waves is that you have a wave of diagnoses and then about two weeks later you have a wave of death because it takes people a little while to die from covet okay so during the second wave for example you can see cases versus deaths over days 1 through 50 of the of the second wave you saw that on day one there were 3.3 cases per 100 000 population and then there was 1.5 death per 10 million population by day 50 had about 33 cases per 100 000 population in britain and 36 deaths per 10 million population okay so you see the the cases and the deaths start to mirror each other fairly quickly and now take a look at these stats from the third wave meaning after there's been a mass vaccination in the united kingdom and what you see is that at the beginning it looks kind of similar we have 3.4 cases per 100 thousand population and 1.3 deaths per 10 million population and then as the cases exponentially increase the deaths continue to be extremely low right so by the end when you get to day 50 reminder in the second wave day 50 had 33 cases per 100 000 population and 36 deaths per 100 per 10 million population in the third wave you have 30 33 cases same thing 33.6 cases per 100 000 population and 2.1 deaths per 10 million population in other words we have cut down on the death rate in great britain by about 12-fold and which takes this thing down below the rate of death from the flu and the reason for that is because the people who now are getting this tend to be younger tend to be healthier people who are older have gotten mass vaccinated this is true in every industrialized country in which vaccination has taken place people who are older and more vulnerable have taken the vaccine we have people in our office who have not taken the vaccine the reason they usually give is because one they think that they already had covet or they were tested they already had coveted so they think they have natural immunity or two and usually both two they're very young and so they tend to look around and say okay i'm 21 years old my chances of dying from this thing are not particularly high okay so even if they get it they're really not dying from it not nearly in the same numbers that people were dying before now in absolute numbers could you see a lot of death among people who are young sure because the delta variant is significantly more transmissible than the original variant than the wild type variant the wild type variant was transmissible the r was something like two or three the r meaning the reproduction rate on this thing is like six meaning that basically if you're if you're a human being you have two choices right now any human being you have two choices one you get the vaccine or two you can get covered you are going to get immunity one way or the other okay so that is up to you because you're a free independent human being and again we've done a pretty tremendous job in the west of making sure that people who are the most vulnerable have already had the vaccine there are people now who are thinking about vaccinating who weren't vaccinating before because people react rationally to risk reward calculations and this is what the data show okay so there's an article today in abc news about a large-scale increase of cases hospitalizations being seen in for example northeastern florida according to abc news you have health jacksonville in florida's most populous city has seen an exponential rise in the number of covenant 19 patients admitted in recent weeks according to chad nielsen director of infection prevention at the hospital the previous record for the highest number of daily covet 19 patients across both of its campuses 125. was set in january the hospital currently has 136 people who are hospitalized about 40 people in the icu last week there were 75 coveted patients in the hospital 45 the week before and 20 the week before that according to nielsen we knew it was most likely due to the delta variant taking a bigger footprint here in the northeastern florida region because it was so rapid of an increase everyone in town is suffering the same fate that we are at the mayo clinic's jacksonville hospital there's been a significant increase in cover 19 hospitalizations over the past three weeks approaching our previous peak number since dr ken thielen ceo of mayo clinic in florida said this is a five-fold increase in covet hospitalizations and follows many weeks when we only had a handful of hospitalized coveted patients but here is the here are the stats that matter are you ready among uf health jacksonville's cover 19 patients 90 are unvaccinated 90 are unvaccinated in other words the number of people who are getting the vaccines and then they're having a breakthrough infection is very low and the number of people who are getting hospitalized is really really really low and the number of people who are dying after being vaccinated is super duper duper low however if you're unvaccinated the disease treats you the same way that it would have treated you back in january or back in november or back in the in the in the prior march we have better ways of treating you now and we've figured out for example that we're not going to vent you we figured out that we're not going to put you on your back but you are still facing a very similar level of risk to what you are facing in january even though it is now july you're facing a very similar level of risk if you are unvaccinated the same way you were in january the virus has changed a little bit but it hasn't changed in its deadliness it's only changed in its transmissibility according to thomas van ostell the president and ceo of ascension florida and gulf coast which operates a hospital in jacksonville over 96 percent of its covenant 19 patients are unvaccinated he says our median age of hospitalized patients is 49. it was in the mid-60s in prior waves of the pandemic it's a younger demographic we're not getting vaccinated unfortunately they're contracting covet these cases are requiring hospitalization for treatment now also the rates of death after hospitalization are way down from what they were at the beginning of the pandemic at the beginning of the pandemic if you went to the hospital there's a pretty decent shot that you were going to die now if you go to the hospital less of a shot that you're going to die the movement from hospitalization to icu to death is is a lot more attenuated at baptist health in jacksonville the covenant 19 patients are younger sicker and getting sicker quickly said chief medical officer dr timothy groover in the past month 44 of cover 19 patients at the hospital were in their 40s or younger most were previously healthy so what this means is that people are sort of ramping up vaccinations they're thinking more seriously about vaccinations but again what the stats show is that we have basically disconnected the case rate from the death rate meaning that we're seeing lots and lots and lots of cases and not an awful lot of death there's another chart from the uk that demonstrates this full scale you can see it right here on this chart okay this chart right here shows that you're you can see the waves follow each other right you can see the wave of death and you can see the wave of of covid the coveted wave comes very quickly thereafter the deaths come and they charge each other really really smoothly and then now you see a massive increase in the number of coveted cases and you don't see the death the death just isn't happening in the same way again because we have done a very good job in the west of vaccinating the elderly and so younger people are getting this thing not older people people who are less vulnerable not people who are more vulnerable and so it's important also to take a look at some of the stats that are being bandied about with regard to hospitalization rates for example so in florida you're seeing an increase in hospitalization into the jacksonville area that is on par with what we saw in january but among younger people who are less likely to die even after being hospitalized than older people like 65 year olds who are being hospitalized in january sometimes the headlines are just completely disconnected from realities the los angeles times says california coronavirus hospitalizations have hit highest point in months as delta spreads you have to dig down until paragraph four before you get to this even with the recent increase though the state's healthcare system is nowhere near as swamped as it was during the fall and winter surge many health experts are confident california will never see numbers on that scale again given how many residents are with the continued spread of the highly infectious delta variants which officials fear could mushroom in communities with lower inoculation rates the next few weeks are key in determining how potent the pandemic's latest punch may be right okay so bottom line is once again we're not seeing the same level of hospitalization as we saw broadly speaking over the course of countries we're seeing huge numbers of cases fewer hospitalizations many many many fewer deaths because you are seeing again a disconnect between the people who are getting this thing and the people who tend to die of this thing which means that realistically speaking many nations are learning to let it go and live with kovid which of course was always going to happen now there was a case to be made by the way that even before the advent of the vaccine places needed to learn to live with covet namely you shield the most vulnerable and you allow everybody else to go out and work and there's something that sweden did for example in sweden was ripped up and down sweden's excess death rate when you actually chart it to their to their age right you have to actually adjust for age because you have a population that's entirely 20 years old versus a population that's entirely 70 years old they're not going to have the same death rates if you actually chart their excess mortality rates there have been some studies done on this what it suggests is that sweden's excess mortality rates during the pandemic over the course of the over the course of 2020 was an increase of about 1.5 percent it was actually significantly higher in germany which locked down very wide in fact sweden which was ripped up and down for its for its coveted policy now ranks somewhere around 40th in the world in terms of death per million from covet and that's not population adjusted for age so there is a case to be made pretty early on that shield the elderly let everybody else go out and do what they're going to do and if you want a mass mask and you don't want a mask don't mask that was not actually a terrible policy idea especially because what we are finding out right now is that natural immunity in some of these cases may be stronger than vaccine created immunity that's what some of the statistics out of israel are tending to show so if you're 21 years old everybody was treating as a giant problem and tragedy if you were 21 in january and getting covered but if you weren't dying from cova this just meant you were immune from covet in the natural way before you could get a vaccine so it took one person off the board in terms of reproducing the virus and pushing it out to others but now that the vaccines are available there's no question that we should be moving back to a regular life there really is none because anything else has no limiting principle it's the point i keep making over and over and over once every adult has had the opportunity to get the vaccine it is now up to them the original goal of the lockdowns the original goal of masking policy was to prevent people from overwhelming the hospital system right that was the entire goal don't let the hospital systems be overwhelmed with covered patients so that people don't die needlessly and so if you flatten the curve the area under the curve is going to be the same over the course of time but it's going to be beneath medical capacity so that means that no one dies without at least having the treatment that could possibly save their life right that was the original goal we did that we prevented coveted from swamping the hospitals and overwhelming the system and that's what the lockdowns were for then the goal changed to okay well you know we do have these vaccines on the way if we just delay this thing then maybe if we have lowered the curve we can actually stop the curve before it rises again right we can actually stop the death through the vaccine so it's a delay tactic right we're going to lock down a little bit more we'll mask a little bit more and this will delay because that's really all that lockdowns and masking do they delay the inevitable because eventually you assume people are going to take off the masks and stop the lockdowns and go out of their homes so the idea now was delay until the vaccines are available then vaccines became widely available now as i keep saying over and over there's no end goal there's no end goal right the the notion that we are all supposed to continue masking forever even though the vaccines are now available is asinine we are going to have to learn to live with the reality that adults are adults we're going to have to learn to live with the reality that if you're vaccinated you're pretty much safe from the virus statistically speaking if you're unvaccinated you're just as unprotected from the virus as you were six months ago and so that is up to you that's now on you that is your decision and we can't lock down all of society or ask vaccinated people to mask on the basis that they might infect somebody asymptomatically who refuses to either mask or to get the vaccine you can't restrict people because other people refuse to do the thing that would protect them we don't do this with any other form of disease and especially when you're talking about a vaccine that takes the rates of death of this thing all the way down to below the flu again if people choose not to make that decision i think it's a foolish decision i've said over and over and over on the program i think that people should vaccinate it's funny there are a bunch of articles the media are intense i'm trying to blame the right for the failure of vaccinations in in certain parts of the country and some of these media pieces are saying that i like me specifically that i have not backed vaccines that's of course idiotic i backed vaccines since literally the first day okay i continue to maintain that getting a vaccine is a good idea that these mrna vaccines by all available scientific evidence are safe i'm not going to say that they're safe for children because we have no longitudinal effects with regard to that but what i will say is that the statistics tend to show that yes sure there there could be risks from the vaccine but those risks are below the risk of dying from covet or getting seriously ill from covet with long-lasting covet facts right particularly for adults but that's your choice you're a free and independent human being that is your choice right now we'll get to more of this in just one second first let us talk about a simple fact if you're a 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this means that kovid is now not among the top causes of death in the united states on a daily basis heart disease cancer even diabetes and alzheimer's like diabetes is on par with the number of deaths that we are suffering per day from covet now coveted is a transmissible disease obviously you could have an uptick in death but we are seeing a pretty vast disconnect between the amount of death and the number of cases that are being diagnosed just as we have seen in britain if you go all the way back to march right february we were having about 60 000 new cases a day in the united states yesterday we had about 60 000 cases so we are back to those levels of caseload but it's different people who are getting them thanks to the widespread vaccination of the elderly so the new york times has a piece about this england has removed nearly all coronavirus restrictions germany is allowing vaccinated people to travel without quarantines outdoor mass mandates are mostly gone in italy shopping malls remain open in singapore 18 months after the first coronavirus emerged governments in asia europe and the americas are encouraging people to return to their daily rhythms and transition to a new normal in which subways offices restaurants and airports are once again full increasingly the mantra is the same we have to learn to live with the virus now remember when i said this last year that we might have to learn to live with the virus i was ripped up and down for this how no no zero cova is a goal zero coveted was never a realistic goal ever there was nobody who was a medical expert last year except for anthony fauci who was idiotically out there suggesting that we were going to crush the curve to the point where basically the virus was no longer in circulation this is a highly transmissible coronavirus that is literally present in nearly every nation on the globe the notion that you're going to cut this thing down to zero was always a pipe dream it was never going to happen that is not an argument against vaccination it's an argument in favor of reality according to the new york times however scientists warn that pandemic exit strategies may be premature the emergence of more transmissible variants means even wealthy nations with abundant vaccines remain vulnerable places like australia which shut down its borders are learning they cannot keep the virus out well if that's the case then why exactly are we arguing about continuing shutdowns and lockdowns and remasking officials are beginning to accept that rolling lockdowns and restrictions are a necessary part of recovery people are being encouraged to shift their pandemic perspective and focus on avoiding severe illness and death instead of infections correct that's right that's why people should vaccinate not to avoid getting infected in the first place to avoid dying to avoid going to the hospital of course honestly there's no other disease where we care about case rate none you don't care how many people get the flu every year how many people die from the flu every year millions and millions of people get the common cold every year have you ever heard that as a public health crisis requiring masking of course not because people don't die of the cold right so the question is death rates from covered which have been brought down radically now again that's because on average they've been brought down meaning that there are people who die it's pretty binary there are people who die and people who don't and people who die tend to be unvaccinated and people don't tend to be vaccinated or have already had this thing with a level of natural immunity dale fisher professor of medicine at the national university of singapore who heads the national infection prevention and control committee of singapore's health ministry says you need to tell people we're going to get a lot of cases and that's part of the plan we have to let it go so we're all now we're doing world sweden right last year it was sweden is the worst country on planet earth and rhonda sanchez in florida who pursued a similar strategy worst person on earth now it's like well i guess you know we're just going to have to do exactly what they did yeah we know we know and that's fine thank god we have a vaccine now that has radically reduced the death rate that is a that is a gift from science it's a gift from god like it is a wonderful wonderful thing and also you now need to let people live free because otherwise there are no limiting principles to anything that you are talking about this notion that we are supposed to continue masking forever and do shutdowns forever is just ridiculous i'm sorry there is no logical principle that that can be held consistently it would not also you to require up for pneumonia or tuberculosis or the flu and so the same logic that is currently being used for arguments about re-masking particularly vaccinated people those arguments masking kids right those arguments are equally uh applicable to a wide variety of diseases which really says the government should have control until the end of time so right now the white house naturally is debating whether to walk back its view on masking according to the washington post top white white house aides and biden administration officials are debating whether they should urge vaccinated americans to wear masks in more settings as the delta variant causes spikes and coveted infections across the country according to six people familiar with the discussions vaccinated americans not unvaccinated americans again i understand the argument for unvaccinated americans to wear a mask if you don't want to transmit it and you don't want to get it then presumably get 95. right 95s are pretty widely available at this point but vaccinated americans so i'm supposed to mask up despite the fact that i can even though you have had the ability to protect yourself i'm supposed to mask up and mask my kid so you don't get it even though you're a free individual human being but the capacity to make a decision according to the washington post the talks are in a preliminary phase the result could be as simple as new messaging from top white house officials but some of the talks include officials at the cdc uh the vaunted cdc which has blown this every step of the way are separately examining whether to update their masking guidance according to a biden administration aide and a federal health official officials cautioned any new formal guidance would have to come from the cdc they say the white house has taken a hands-off approach which of course is not true at all you'll remember that the cdc originally set masking standards in coordination with the white house and only later said oh yeah by the way you can unmask if you're vaccinated the high level discussions reflect rising concerns about the threat of the delta variants one idea batted around by administration officials would be to ask all americans to wear masks when vaccinated and unvaccinated people mix at public places or indoors no no the answer is no i'm not doing that i also don't think my kids should be masked no if you're an adult and choose not to get masked it's on you now end of story truly end of story because otherwise there's no end to this otherwise they can do this at any time for the rest of time for any reason or no reason we'll get some more of this in just one second first i am a pretty busy dude hosting my show raising three kids they wake me up at all hours of the night and early in the morning i have to have a higher energy level i'm sure you do too that is why i recommend mdrive the everyday supplement for men driven to stay ahead in their life and career would love to be the best at what they do and not slow down while doing it m drive gives you the energy to tackle your busy days and still be at your best when you go home at night invented by a world-class scientist who made it for himself to fight back against aging m 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the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh um are why can't the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact

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