To The Left, Conservative Authoritarians, Not Communist Dictators, Are The Problem | Ep. 1295
01:49 "... all over the island as is perfectly ..."

#TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWirethe biden administration downplays the evil of the communist cuban regime while simultaneously labeling american conservatives authoritarian racist i'm ben shapiro this is the bench bureau show [Music] today's show is sponsored by expressvpn protect your data from bigtech with the vpn i trust visit ben well the biden administration had a choice when faced with the fact that there's this massive movement in cuba against the regime the bad administration could have taken the obama attack or they could have taken the more traditional democratic attack so you'll recall that the democratic party was not pro-cuba for the vast majority of cuba's communist existence it was jfk who was the leading sponsor of attempts to overthrow the castro regime in cuba and democrats after that were not big fans of the castro regime or the communism that it was pushing and yet now the democratic party seems split and this is reflected in the attitude of the biden white house toward the current cuban dissident movement what we are watching in cuba right now is perfectly predictable we are watching as the as the cuban regime cracks down on dissidents there's a disney a dissident named luis emmanuel alcantara who i spoke with just a few weeks ago via phone he was in cuba the cuban security services cut off the call he talked about the movement he explained what the movement was it was not based merely on economic circumstances in cuba it was not based merely on the lack of vaccines in cuba it was not based in other words on things that had arisen in the last five minutes it was in fact a movement that was rooted in a lack of liberty it was a movement rooted in opposition to the communist regime itself and its unwillingness to allow for basic human freedoms in the state well now luis manuel alcantra has been detained by the castor regime his family and friends have no idea where he is and this is happening to dissidents all over the island as is perfectly predictable because as it turns out communist regimes authoritarian regimes the way they treat dissidents is by picking them up and tossing them in dang cells and leaving them there for as long as humanly possible or outright killing them those are usually the chief available and useful options to these regimes and so this does raise the question what should the united states position be now on a moral level the united states position should be pretty obvious right it should be the position of traditional democrats which is that the cuban regime ought to be condemned and we have to do everything in our powers to see that regime topple and then there is the obama position the obama position was that the u.s embargo on cuba had created the conditions that allowed for the continuation of the regime so obama's viewing foreign policy was always that the united states was at fault and the way for the united states to allow other regimes to change is to be warm to them be cuddly to them be friendly to them this is why he suggested that the way to open up iran's authoritarian dictatorship was to pass them into the economy of the world make them part of the family of nations it didn't work iran continued to fund terrorism all over the region and then obama tried the same thing with cuba he suggested that if we just opened up cuba's economy if he got rid of the travel embargo if we got rid of many of the sanctions this would somehow make cuba thrive cuba would become a better place to live and the regime would be less stable of course precisely the opposite happened the cuban regime became slightly more stable because when you give dictators more money it turns out they use that money in order to solidify their rule over the areas in which they have total control okay so this has led to a bit of a conflict inside the biden white house there are a bunch of old obama holdovers who seem to continue to have the perspective that the united states is the problem in cuba and that the cuban regime ought to be treated with a certain level of respect with kid gloves and then there's some old school democrats who including joe biden by the way who seem to be less sanguine about the cuban regime and this is evident from the sort of statements that are being made by the biden administration which are in conflict with themselves right they are not internally consistent so joe biden did put out a statement here was joe biden's statement he said we stand with the cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by cuba's authoritarian regime the cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights those rights including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future must be respected okay so far that statement is not bad right so far he's calling the regime authoritarian he's talking about its repression and his economic suffering due to the regime he's talking about the universal rights of the cuban people and then he gets to the final sentence the united states calls on the cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves now that is not a call for the cuban regime to respect the human rights of its people that is not a call for the cuban regime to respect the individual ability of cubans to descend from the evils of the regime to use those supposedly universal rights like the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future and cuba has been subverting those rights for six decades at this point for 62 years since the 1959 cuban revolution the last sentence where the united states calls on cuba not to allow for free speech not to allow for freedom of assembly but to take care of the problem that is obama speak okay the obama speak there is well if the cuban regime would just give its people a little bit more medicine if the cuban regime would just take care of the social welfare of its people well then the communist regime could stay and the human rights are completely secondary this is a perverse view of the cuban regime and it's a perverse view of what exactly is going on in the first place because the reality once again is that the cuban regime is the problem it is not that the current problems in cuba are a result of any sort of extraneous force they are not okay they are they are the deepest effect of the underlying problems it's so funny the left in the united states will suggest that everything that happens in the united states is the result of underlying structural racism and this is their big shtick but when it comes to cuba the left in the united states wants to separate off the current economic circumstances the current inability to pass out vaccines from supposedly this incredible national health care system they they don't want to attribute any of that to the obvious underlying structural problem which is not something vague like structural racism that has been alleviated in the united states over the course of the past six decades no this is absolutely clear this is a country that has repressed the ability of its own citizens to hold private property the way that you go to the supermarket in cuba is the the government hands you this the script that you can only use at the supermarket and then they give you the products at prices that cuba's regime thinks you ought to pay it is an unfree society which is again why tens of thousands of human beings have attempted to float their way from an island 90 miles off the coast of florida through shark-infested waters all the way to places like miami and just one second we'll get to the continued conflict inside the biden regime because once again there's this internal division in ten biden's own mind i think between the old biden who was the quote-unquote moderate biden and the new biden who is woke and bernie sanders-esque on all this by the way we are now talking about 72 hours of this going on without any comment from bernie sanders who's busily tweeting about the evils of jeff bezos from his lake house it's uh it's very convenient to be a communist in the united states it's not nearly as convenient to be a communist subject of authoritarian regimes in cuba or hong kong for example we'll get to more in a second first let us talk about the fact that you are dependent on coffee i am dependent on coffee i will tell you the truth i was not a huge coffee drinker until like the last two three years now my kids get me up at every available hour and this means i need my coffee and i want coffee that tastes great from a company that isn't going to spit in my eye over my politics and that is why i enjoy black rifle coffee black rifle coffee company is a veteran-owned coffee company serving premium coffee to people who love america veteran ceo and founder 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america's coffee black rifle coffee go to to get 20 off your purchase and your first coffee club order that is shapiro so part of what what drives the the sort of obama-esque view of how cuba ought to be treated as a particular view of the united states and its values there's a view that obama made mainstream on the left and it had been mainstream back in the 70s but kind of fell out of favor with the rise of the reagan era which was that america was inherently bad america's involvement in vietnam was bad america's involvement in iraq was bad and america's involvement in cuba is bad america is the nefarious force in the world and the real problems that americans need to face down are the problems here at home america doesn't have anything to say about what happens in the rest of the world because after all america is just too perverse america is just too wrong-headed america is just too much of a problem so this has led as i say to this conflict inside the biden administration on the one hand you have joe biden who is speaking sort of classical democrat language from the jfk days talking about how the people of the united states stand firmly with the people of cuba here was the president of the united states saying the right thing with regard to cuba yesterday cuba people demanding their freedom from an authoritarian regime and i don't think we've seen anything like this protest uh in a long long time if quite frankly ever the united states stands firmly with the people of cuba as they assert their universal rights and they call on the government government cuba to refrain from violence their attempts to silence the voice of the people of cuba okay this is the right statement right credit where credit is due joe biden is saying the right thing the problem is his administration immediately started trying to walk a lot of this stuff back so first they said that the statement that he put out was written for him right not by him for him then jon saki tried to downplay what was happening in cuba as merely a sort of spontaneous eruption at the lack of economic opportunity and the problems with regard to vaccine distribution in cuba this is not true it is not true i've been talking to cuban dissidents for the last several weeks they were planning this sort of stuff for weeks on end there was a burgeoning democratic movement in cuba i knew weeks ago that people were going to get out in the streets people in cuba knew weeks ago that they were going to get out into the streets this is not just about the way the cuban regime is handling its problems right now and this again is a sort of pattern in the way the democrats view the world when a bad thing happens out there they like to say not that it's a pattern that springs from the nefarious evil of underlying institutions right when it was benghazi it wasn't the nefarious evil of isis that was to blame or america's soft stance with regard to security in places like libya that was to blame no it was just a spontaneous eruption of upset over a random youtube video and now according to gen saki what's going on in cuba is a spontaneous eruption thanks to economic dislocation that is untrue it is not true the cuban people do not wish to live under the boot heel of this regime any longer and downplaying what is happening in cuba as some sort of like spontaneous reaction to current economic circumstance ignores the fact that a huge percentage of south florida's population are cuban expatriates who fled from the country specifically because it is an oppressive hell hole okay here's jinsaki sort of downplaying the cause that people are fighting and now being imprisoned and probably dying for in cuba there's every indication that yesterday's protests were spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the cuban government's economic mismanagement and repression and those these are protests inspired by the harsh reality of everyday life in cuba not people uh in another country i'm saying that because i think there have been a range of accusations out there as you well know okay and then she says well you know it was really the lack of vaccines that caused all of this trying to downplay this as lack of vaccines or spontaneous eruptions over the economy ignores the fact there have been people on the ground planning this sort of stuff for decades fighting this sort of stuff for decades not just in cuba but also outside of cuba we've talked to them on the program here's shinsaki again taking the sort of obama-esque approach here obviously one of the issues that uh the uh that protesters are justifiably out there in the streets uh protesting about is hunger is lack of access to vaccines etc but we are continuing to provide a range of assistance which we will continue to do okay now here's the problem one of the big problems is not just the moral problem with sort of making light of the underlying evil of the cuban regime the bigger problem is that the solution that would seem to be called for by diagnosis of the problem as just coveted vaccines or lack of economic opportunity is you ship some money in some vaccines over there i just throw them some cash throw them them throw them some vaccines and then call it a day that would seem to be the dictated solution that of course is not a solution the solution is the fault of the regime the united states can't necessarily effectuate that from the outside but we certainly can do a whole hell of a lot more than simply talk about how you know they may botch this one peter ducey from fox news was back in the white house press room and uh asking the tough questions so he said um yeah so you guys keep saying it's about vaccines in the economy i've noticed that they are not shouting vaccines and the economy they are shouting freedom and enough here's peter juicy grilling gensake when these protesters are yelling freedom and enough there are people within the administration who think they're saying freedom from rising covert cases again i would say that when people are out there in the streets protesting and complaining about the lack of access to economic prosperity to the medical supplies they need to a life they deserve to live that can take on a range of meetings there's a global pandemic right now most people in that country don't have access to vaccines that certainly is something we'd love to help with it could take on a range of meanings well no they're being very very they're marching with the american flag and this is the point and this is where it gets very uncomfortable for jen saki and the biden administration again they're of divided mind on the one hand joe biden wants to say that he's a patriot who loves the american flag on the other hand joe biden refuses to say to his left flank that they are doing something wrong in burning the american flag or stomping on the american flag or kneeling for the american flag and this makes for a very uncomfortable situation for them when cuba breaks out like this because when people of cuba are flying the american flag and saying we want our freedom and people on joe biden's left are saying america shouldn't get involved because america is the problem america is bad the true authoritarian threat is not from actual authoritarians the true authoritarian threat is here at home it puts joe biden in the middle of a vice he's not willing to stand up to his left and he's not willing to stand up for his own principles here was jen saki having a tough time explaining why dissenters in cuba are even flying the american flag now for any normal person any normal american this is a very easy answer the reason that cuban dissenters cuban patriots are flying the american flag and not just the cuban flag is because america stands for liberty because the declaration of independence promulgates principles that are universal in nature because the united states has been a beacon of hope for oppressed people around the world for centuries at this point that is a very simple answer and and yes it is wrong for americans to disdain their own flag there's something deeply ungrateful and wrong with it yes they have a right to do it but you've already do lots of stuff in america that's incredibly dumb and wrong-headed you have a right in the united states of america to write more on on your own forehead that would be a that'd be a stupid thing to do just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean you ought to do it or that you are right to do it but the bite administration does not have the stones to simply tell its own left you guys are wrong on this sort of stuff so this leads to the uncomfortable realization that gensake can't even just acknowledge the realities which is that the cuban descenders are right and a lot of americans are wrong does the administration support international protesters flying the american flag and what message do you have to americans who are wary of flying it here in the u.s well i would say first the the president certainly values and respects uh the uh the uh symbol of the american flag he's someone who certainly uh waves it outside of his uh house or does in delaware and and other places where he's lived throughout his time uh but he also believes that people have the right to peaceful protests and he thinks both can be true well both are true of right to peaceful protest and also the people who are protesting by disdaining the american flag are morons they're world historical idiots both of those things can be true but you won't say that she won't say that instead she'll downplay the cuban protest as sort of a situational problem she will ignore the fact that it is idiotic to protest the beacon that is the united states and by the way the more that the united states refuses to stand up for itself as a beacon of freedom the less that american flag actually means to people around the world you want to see the center stop flying the american flag please keep promulgating policy like this in just one second we'll get to the folks that democrats are really threatened by the folks that they really are worried about it's not cuban authoritarians it is not the chinese regime that just stomped all over hong kong it's not the iranian terrorists who run the country no they're worried about you really are worried about you anybody who is conservative anybody who's center right anybody who's center all of you people are the people who they are worried about you're the true authoritarian threat we'll get to more of that in just one second first let us talk for a second about the greatest underwear in the world so i'm talking about tommy john underwear they just are the best they graze this magnificent tucas every single day apollo men's underwear is proven to keep you drier and up to seven degrees cooler than regular cotton underwear that's why tommy john doesn't have customers they have fanatics i am a fanatic about tommy john by the way i took 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personal credit or being mostly right but then his administration as so often happens tends to walk this stuff back meanwhile the language with regard to the to the supposed voting crackdown by republicans is far harsher from democrats than anything they have to say about the cuban authoritarian regime you got a regime 90 miles off the coast of the united states that is currently taking dissidents and throwing them in prison and or shooting them and the language democrats use with regards to that particular regime is significantly nicer significantly more measured than the kind of language that this white house uses with regard to people who disagree on voter id for example shinsaki i mean there's a certain there's got to be an irony here so the fact that the administration calls uses the same exact term to refer to a cuban regime that has not held an honest vote in 62 years and texas legislators who want voter id it's it's an astonishing thing it really is here's jen saki yesterday saying that voter suppression laws being pushed right now suppression law they're not suppression laws okay there's yet to be any evidence that he suppressed the vote in any meaningful way or even designed to suppress the vote but jen saki says we are now watching voter suppression laws so authoritarian that they are the worst threat to democracy since the civil war now i can think of a few threats to democracy since the civil war i can think there's a hundred years of jim crow that's pretty big threat to democracy it turns out you know actual overt laws designed to stop black people from voting in the south that seems like a threat to democracy it seems like a threat to democracy under these terms that women couldn't vote until there was an actual amendment to the constitution in the 1910s right see i mean we're talking since the civil war you know it seems like an awful threat to the to the democracy woodrow wilson's willingness to imprison dissidents or fdr's crackdown on a federal level when people wouldn't fly the blue eagle or for that matter the nazi attempts to destroy the united states during world war ii or for that matter the 1960s attempts to wreck america's institutions from within like all of these seem like pretty significant threats to democracy you don't have threats to democracy how about the fact that we had riots in major cities across the united and states it seems like kind of a threat to democracy that the intelligence apparatus was activated against a presidential campaign last time around but according to gensake what we are watching right now is an authoritarian threat from republicans remember they are using the exact same words to describe the cuban regime that they're using to describe republicans that's unreal it's unreal okay using the exact same terminology to describe the in fact they're nicer about the cuban regime after all the people who are protesting the cuban regime they're really just fighting you know economic discontent and vaccine shortages really i mean like do we really know what they're fighting for but we perfectly well know why people are angry at republicans and it's because they're an authoritarian threat to the united states worse than any threat since an attempt by an armed band of rebels to break away from the country in 1860 that's a hell of a contention we'll get some more of that in just one second first let us talk about how you make your company better if your business is growing zipper crew is the way to go right now you can try it for free at zip recruiter dot com slash daily wire zip recruiter doesn't wait for great candidates to find you zip recruiter finds them for you when you post a job on zip recruiter get sent out to over 100 top job sites with just one click to increase your chances of reaching top talent then ziprecruiter's powerful matching technology scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right skills and experience for your job and actively invites them to apply 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want to do things like make you apply for an absentee ballot kind of the same as you know rigging an election for 62 years feels the same or or they want you to use voter id or they're getting rid of wait for it drive by balloting feels exactly the same as you know shooting people in the streets over in havana here is jen sackey using the same word he'll also decry efforts to strip the right to vote as authoritarian and anti-american as a and stand up against the notion that politicians should be allowed to choose their voters or to subvert our system by replacing independent election authorities with partisan ones and he will highlight the work of the administration against this the necessity of passing the for the people act and the john lewis voting rights advancement act and how we need to work together with civil rights organizations to build as broad a turnout in voter education system to overcome the worst challenge to our democracy since the civil the worst challenge for our democracy since the civil war are you out of your damn mind by the way if you're talking about the authoritarian threats of the country right now the culturally authoritarian threats of the country that is coming from institutions that will un-person you if you happen to cross their preferred politics that is the democratic party that is hoping to seize control of the voting apparatuses of all 50 states and bring them up to the federal level so they can then skew elections through things like mandate mandatory ballot harvesting if you want to talk about like actual authoritarian threats it is not coming from states that have their own voting laws many of which are more liberal than blue states but the the unbelievable contrast between the language that the democrats use with regard to cuba and the language they use with regard to republicans it is an astonishing thing and it also allows democrats to be just as undemocratic as they want to be the same people who are saying it's an authoritarian threat to our democracy to call for voter id say it is not an authoritarian threat to our democracy for the entire texas democratic delegation to literally abscond from the

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