The Hallucinatory World Of The Critical Race Theoristย | Ep. 741

#TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWiretoday on the matt wall show an msnbc host claims that most american school kids are being taught that slavery is okay that's what she thinks is happening in school school rooms today this is the kind of hallucinatory world that the critical race theory proponents live in so we'll talk about that also five headlines including a new report about the rash of suicide attempts by adolescent girls during lockdown and we have video of a female student coming out as a guy to her classmates which is as disturbing as you might expect plus a lobster diver claims he was swallowed by a whale it's an important story we have to talk about that in our daily cancellation we'll talk about the npr article blasting tom hanks for making too many movies about white people doing good things that's very problematic as we'll see all of that and much more today on the matt wall show [Music] now a new sponsor on the show carnivore trading you know if you want to get 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simply too uneducated to engage in the discussion this is why while crt proponents accuse its opponents of being unable to define crt they themselves are unwilling or unable to define it a very similar tactic has been used with antifa you've noticed we we've been told that those who criticize those who criticize antifa simply don't understand what antifa is or what it stands for and yet those who offer this rationalization are always very reluctant to paint any kind of definite picture themselves it's appropriate that brandy zedrazney nbc news senior reporter that is propagandist compared the two things in an effort to defend both she wrote on twitter a couple days ago quote critical race theory is the new antifa and it's just so frustrating to see this boogeyman political tactic work over and over again antifa and crt are boogie men does that mean they don't exist no they do exist we're told but they just they're not what we think they are okay so then what are they well we wouldn't understand for another example of this strategy crt guru ibram x kendi was interviewed by slate a few days ago and the very first question posed to him i mean it was an interview about critical race theory first question very simple what actually is critical race theory he's the expert on the subject allegedly he says the critics don't understand it can't define it now it's his chance to offer the real definition sounds good this is what he said this was his answer critical race theory emerged among lawyers and legal scholars who recognized that despite being in this post-civil rights america racial inequality or rather sorry racial inequity and disparity still existed and persisted for them and for critical race theorists the aim was to examine those structures those laws those policies so that we can uncover the structures of racism and obviously critical race theory has extended out to other disciplines personally i think the republicans specifically chose to attack critical race theory because they felt that they could define it more easily than other terms since they couldn't come out and say oh those people who are challenging systemic racism are a problem they couldn't say those anti-racists are a problem so they're defining critical race theory at the same time that they're attacking it and critical race theories theorists are like that's not how we define it uh okay ibram then how do you define it because that wasn't a definition that was a bunch of words but it wasn't a definition see this should be your first clue that something is wrong when the people advancing an idea don't want to explain it to you or they insist that they can't explain it because you wouldn't understand it if they did that's a common strategy not only among leftists but also among cult leaders scientologists are also very reluctant to tell you what scientology actually is and what does that tell you in this case they don't want to explain it straightforwardly because in truth critical race theory is simply the idea that everything in america is racist and all white people are racist and all minorities are victims and vengeance must be enacted on the racist white people in order to settle the score that's what it is i mean we can dance around and use lots of bigger words if we want but but i think when it comes down to it that's the most accurate distillation of critical race theory four basic points america is racist two white people are racist three minorities are victims four vengeance right crt culsa cultists will object to that definition i'm sure but even when they object you'll notice that they won't disagree with any of those four points they'll only say that i'm simplifying which i am because unlike them i actually want people to understand what i'm saying for all the reasons so far outlined when trying to um understand what critical race there is in practice it's better to look at examples of it i mean what does it do to a person's mind what sort of things does a person come to believe once they've sacrificed their brain to this cult well for a case study and people who've given up their brains there's probably no better place to look than to joy read on msnbc providing some very illuminating insight into the world view of a crt religionist joy recently tweeted the following she said quote open question to those who are afraid of critical race theory which isn't being taught in k-12 schools it's of course offered in law schools but you clearly are conflating it with the 1619 project what do you want taught about u.s slavery and racism nothing or what currently listen to this most k-12 students already learn a kind of confederate race theory whereby the daughters of the confederacy long ago imposed a version of history wherein slavery was not so bad and had nothing to do with the civil war and lynchings and violence never happened is this about continuing to teach confederate race theory and continuing to omit things like the founding the founders owning slaves or the facts about the mass extermination of the indigenous are you insisting that those things continue to be omitted if so why or is it about adding more empty praise to the teaching of history and completing the sanitization of history that already is the case if so why how does that make children smarter and don't you think kids will eventually find out the facts anyway would love a response well okay i'll give you a response um before we get to get the response though uh as requested uh i will give that but we should note that she's far from alone in this point of view another quick example robert reich former secretary of labor current berkeley professor so you kind of know what you're going to get from him made a slightly more toned down version of joy reid's argument in a recent video let's watch that the so-called party of free speech is now going after academic freedom a host of republican-controlled states have passed or are gearing up to pass bills that ban teaching the role race has played in the history of american politics policy and law conservatives lobbed the term critical race theory against the nation's tragic racial history they don't want students to know calling it indoctrination or brainwashing well as an educator i can tell you that the real indoctrination in brainwashing is in leaving out this history and only teaching children the myths that we've always been a perfect country always lived up to our ideals and there's no need to reckon with our past that's dangerous unless our children know all of our history including the anguished role racism has played in shaping this country they can't possibly understand why we are where we are today and what we can and must do to better live up to our ideals the stories we tell about ourselves matter and it's about time we started telling the truth well first of all none of this has anything to do with free speech public school teachers don't have free speech rights to teach kids whatever they want so this whole this this what the left is doing here by painting this as a free speech issue is absurd now leftists right now are pretending to think otherwise pretending to think that you know this is a this is free speech and public school teachers have free speech rights and they should be able to teach whatever they want and they're taking that approach now because it suits them but let's see how they react if an eighth grade social studies teacher begins class by informing her students that jesus christ is their lord and savior that's a religious conviction that they will say in that case has no place in the classroom and in that case that teacher should be fired should maybe go to jail there should be lawsuits crt is also a religious conviction it's a cult belief that has no place in the classroom i mean the very idea that state governments can't pass laws to determine what will be taught in government schools is is just asinine but asinine doesn't even begin to describe the rest of what we heard from both robert reich and joy reid in what school in what universe are kids not already being taught about racism where is that happening or not happening what school is giving kids a mythical version of american history where racism doesn't exist at all and never existed and played no factor to the contrary one of the only facts that most americans seem to know about american history is that there was racism and there was slavery and both of those things are bad every american knows that every american has been taught that in school that's been the case for a very long time but reid goes even further she claims that most american school children are being taught that slavery isn't so bad she she wants to know if uh if crt critics think that kids should continue to be taught that the answer is no they shouldn't continue to be taught that slavery isn't bad just as they shouldn't continue to be taught that cannibalism is an acceptable dietary practice and just as you know cows should not continue flying over the moon i think they should stay down here on earth frankly see nothing can continue to happen if it isn't already happening anywhere at all period there are no slavery apologetics or slavery justifications being offered in any school or any classroom anywhere in america at all and i'll even go on a limb and say there are zero exceptions to that because usually you know with it's hard to make any blankets like you can always find an anomalous case somewhere of someone doing something crazy but but in this case you know what i'm gonna say you won't even find one example anywhere of anything like what joey reid describes indeed once again one of the only facts about america that every u.s citizen knows is that slavery happened and it was very bad you can walk up to any person on the street and they can tell you that in fact i i again i'll go further and say walk up to any person on the street and just ask them tell me a fact about american history the majority of them that's one of the first things they're going to tell you they can also probably tell you that we landed on the moon at some point and there was a guy named george washington who may or may not have been around when the moon landing happened those are all the facts that most americans know about their country slavery is definitely among the facts crt cultists think that school kids aren't being told enough about america's racist past meanwhile in reality that's about the only thing that school kids are reliably told about their country's history at least it's one of the only things they retain because it's emphasized so much and that's exactly how we ended up in a country where something like critical race theory is so prominent and powerful that's the great irony here that some people i think have missed critical race theory is disproven by its own existence if we lived in the kind of country that joy reid described where millions of american school kids are being indoctrinated to believe that slavery is good or not so bad critical race theory could have never come into existence and certainly wouldn't have the prominence it does today no crt exists because kids are being indoctrinated into the opposite extreme that's the reality of the world we currently live in but crt as we've seen has no interest in dealing with reality now let's get to our five headlines now a word from our sponsor with probably my favorite name moiq and one of my favorite products too because it's all about food it's all about meat i would i would never describe myself as a foodie because that's cringey and lame but i do enjoy good food and that's why i love moink moink delivers grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb pastured pork and chicken and wild-caught alaskan salmon directly to your door helping family farms become financially independent outside of big agriculture their animals are raised outdoors their fish swim 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news again this is only for me is that um because we're going on vacation and it's gonna be a lake vacation that gives me an excuse to go to bass pro shops today which um which i'm very excited about people accuse me all the time of not smiling i think that's it's a slight i think that's a i think that's fake news because i do smile at least once or twice a week but if you really want to see me smile then you got to see me in a bass pro shops that that's like a kid in a candy shop and the thing is um you know i was explaining this plan to my wife i said well we're going on vacation i got to go buy some more fishing tackle and stuff and she said um well don't you have enough tackle enough lures and what i try to explain to her is that no that that doesn't that's not a thing that doesn't exist that doesn't compute you can't have enough what do you mean enough that doesn't enough fishing tackles not that's not a thing it's like saying and she's also told me this that uh well you have enough ammo you don't need to buy into more ammo no there's no enough that's not a thing you can't have enough there are certain things in life you can't have enough of fishing tackle ammo those are two other things i'm sure there are a few others all right um let's start with this from the new york post back into something very serious and depressing um but also not at all unexpected says from the new york post says suicide attempts by adolescent girls surged during the kova 19 pandemic worsening as the second wave wore on according to a new study the number of emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts for those 12-17 began to rise in may 2020 especially among girls according to a study by the cdc the mean number of weekly such visits by girls during a month-long period in the summer of 2020 was 26 percent higher than during the same period in 2019 26 percent higher by the winter of 2021 the number of er visits for suspected suicide attempts was 50 percent higher than 2019 among the among boys the number of visits rose by three 3.7 percent uh so that that is that's an interesting disparity um the study theorized young people were at higher risk because they might have been hit hard by cover 19 safety measures such as physical distancing and may have felt increased anxiety about family health and economic concerns the cdc said quote the findings from this study suggested more severe distress among young females than has been identified in previous reports during the pandemic reinforcing the need for increased attention to and prevention for this population um females are more likely to report self-harm or suicide attempts than males which may account for the increased er visits by girls also i you know if we're going to speculate about about the the disparity uh girls and women are also more are more real are more relational you know and and um i think need that interpersonal connection i mean boys do also but um girls are even tend even more in that direction so i could see how they'd be even more affected by by the isolation though again it affects everybody and especially kids now this is horrible and infuriating and it's made even more infuriating by anyone who acts surprised by it because this was entirely foreseeable the people who are behind these quote unquote safety measures like the cdc for example they can't act surprised this this you 100 you knew this was going to happen knew it like looking into a crystal ball you knew it with that clarity we all did if you have any understanding of human beings and how humans operate especially kids you can't rip their entire lives away from them and isolate them isolation has an effect on people a devastating effect and if you have kids that are already struggling emotionally um and then you isolate them on top of all of the the the fear and anxiety that you're heaping on top of it telling them you have to wear a mask every time you leave the house that's how afraid you should be and it can't be emphasized enough we did all of this in spite of the fact that um there was never any serious risk to kids that's the one thing i i can never get over it's like blinding rage when i think about it we can't even claim although the the people who push these policies will claim you cannot credibly claim that we did it for them this was something that was done to kids knowing ahead of time the effect it would have on them again you can't claim you didn't know because there were those of us saying all along you cannot do this to kids you're going to destroy them you're going to have you're going to have suicide epidemics you have kids in emergency rooms that is going to happen we said that so knowing what would happen we did this anyway because we were scared for our own safety and by we i mean the general universal we i don't include myself hopefully not you um maybe i shouldn't be saying we at all they you know i put it that way they they did this knewing what knowing knowing the effect i would have on kids it's completely backwards is i mean is anyone does anybody want to step up to the plate let me ask you does anyone want to step up to the plate anyone in the vay category anyone who supported these policies you want to step up to the plate and tell me that this cost is worth it you want to tell me that look at the uh well we'll just take one data point one statistical factor 26 percent rise in suicide attempts among adolescent girls and we're only we're only we're zoning in on one group here adolescent girls what was it 12 to 17 26 rise in suicide attempts is that is that worth it was it worth the trade-off whatever safety we allegedly gained over the last year was it worth a 26 rise in suicide attempts among kids because i got to tell you i can't think of anything that would be worth it that would be worth that cost i can't think of any public policy that could be put in place in any situation that would be worth the cost of a massive rise in suicide attempts among children like i would rather have anything but that and if you tell me that well if we didn't have all these policies it means that maybe more people would have died of covet don't think that's dem that's i don't think that's true at all because kids were not it were not a high risk factor to spread or or contracted but even sake of argument for the sake of argument let's say that that's true these measures that led to a 26 rise in suicide attempts among among young girls let's just say that uh yeah it did that but it also prevented some people from dying coveted who otherwise would have um i gotta tell you i i i would take the coveted deaths over thousands of more kids trying to kill themselves so i don't think the trade is worth it at all but if anyone wants to step up and say that they think it is say yeah you know that's kind of rough but uh it was worth it maybe fouchy i want voucher to get on tv and say it was yeah 26 rise in suicide attempts among kids it was worth it because if you're defending the lockdowns even now then that's what you think and i want you to say it here's someone who thinks it was definitely worth it andy slavitt um biden's kovitzar which i don't know what he has to do now i don't know i don't know what his job i don't know what his job ever was i'm certainly not sure what it is now he says that uh the lesson that he takes over from the past year is uh that americans didn't sacrifice enough let's watch how much of this pandemic was preventable and how well of course we would have had a uh pandemic here in the u.s no matter what um but but and look we can count the the mistakes and i think it's important that we do if for nothing else so we don't repeat them we obviously had a set of technical mistakes with the testing and and the the ppe that we know about but if we're honest we also had two other two other types of mistakes that caused a lot of loss of life one were just plainly political leadership mistakes um there was a lot we denied the virus for too long out of the trump white house we there was too much squashing of dissent and playing on divisions but i'd also think we all need to look at one another and ask ourselves what do we need to do better next time and in many respects being able to sacrifice a little bit for one another um to get through this and to save more lives is going to be it's going to be essential and that's something that i think we could all have done a little bit better on oh yeah we didn't sacrifice enough not not enough sacrifice millions people lost their job kids lost a year of education uh which it shouldn't have gone that way even if you shut down the schools for a year there's no reason why kids should lose education because you could teach them at home but the reality is that a lot many kids just didn't really didn't get an education of any kind for a year or more more than a year so sacrifice that year of education millions of jobs lives of people committing suicide including kids not enough that's the lesson he takes this tyrannical sociopathic scumbag the lesson he takes is that next time he wants more of that more jobs gone more kids killing themselves that's what he wants these people are pure evil you realize that pure evil we're being we are being led by by people who are absolute pure evil to their bones speaking of which um mayor lori lightfoot on cnn was on cnn a couple days ago and she was uh trying to just she was discussing and and attempting to justify the racist policy that she had in place about interviews you remember we talked about this on the show a couple of times she put a policy in place for a period of time where um she would only accept interviews from journalists who were who were non-white although she didn't say that she didn't she didn't come out and say i don't want to talk to any of you white devils what she said was she wants to prioritize interviews from journalists of color and clearly racist illegal you can't do that as a public official you can't say i'm only going to talk to journalists of a certain race um so she's being sued for that rightfully so she was on cnn uh but she's not backing down or apologizing in fact you know what the people who are criticizing her they are her oh her apology she's the victim here of course let's listen to her defense i want to ask you about a lawsuit that you're the target of and acknowledge that you are talking to me this morning and i by all accounts i'm a white guy uh and we're doing this interview together on one day on the anniversary of your inauguration you uh gave interviews to only reporters of color and you're being now sued for that on the basis of discrimination your reaction well the lawsuit is completely frivolous i'd use a more colorful term if we weren't on tv but here's the thing i'm the mayor of the third largest city in the country i'm an african-american uh woman to state the obvious every day when i look out across my podium i don't see people who look like me but more to the point i don't see people who reflect the richness and diversity of the city so yes i started a long overdue conversation about diversity in newsrooms and coverage you all are the mirrors on society you reflect with a critical and important lens the news of the day you hold the public officials like me accountable you must be diverse it can't be that in a city like chicago with all the talent that we have that we can't find diverse journalists of color of course we can what they need is opportunity and i hope my conversation has pricked the consciousness of the people who do the hiring decisions in media rooms all across the city and hopefully across the country we've got to do better oh she was just starting a conversation what i love about that is first of all justifying outright bigotry as i'm just trying to start a conversation that's all uh but also the insinuation that we that we're not already having this conversation you know what i was looking to do i was looking to start a conversation about race you know i i figured we're not having enough of those conversations hey look i i did this and now everyone's talking about race coincidence i think not yeah that's you know because that's that's a conversation we

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