Marxist Methods: Debunking the Left's LIES About Critical Race Theory | Ep 123
00:28 "... this is the signal that we're winning ..."
20:18 "... 2014 . it's an archive ..."[Music] and now they have a new boogeyman to latch on to critical race theory republicans are fanning the flames of a new culture war claiming the teaching of critical race theory is a threat to our kids the single most uh important issue to them apparently right now is critical race theory who knew that was the threat to our republic this this is the signal that we're winning the war against critical race theory i make the case that we shouldn't believe that anyone is inherently racist or that we should identify anyone as a racist because a defeated animal they are slowly backtracking walking back their words and trying desperately to shift the narrative have you ever heard of any school that's teaching that anywhere i haven't and and indeed i would speak out against that school if it was doing it all because of you you personally tell a white kid oh the black people are all down to suppress how do i have two medical degrees if i'm sitting here oppressed you black white democrat republican independent you stood up against these evil ideas that quickly began to infiltrate our kids schools but the marxists will be back in fact they're crawling all around us like cockroaches in every single institution we're desperately trying to preserve so tonight using critical race theory i'm going to expose the secret of marxism the tactics they use every single time and the methods they're using now just say whatever you want and then you back away from it and you dance around to not so slowly now transform our nation into their dystopian dream tonight marxist methods debunking the left's lies about critical race theory hello america i just have to tell you uh there's nothing like starting a program off with a little bit of um being talked down to by barack obama all right critical race theory like that's a big deal yes sir that's why i said you're a racist no that's not quite right but he seems to have a deep-seated of uh hatred for white people and the white culture critical race theory i retract my apology this is being fed spoon fed to our kids and the left they're masters at gaslighting after you're a racist next on the hit parade is you're a conspiracy theorist they'll do anything to discredit anybody even if it's absolutely true i want to show you christopher ruffo he's the editor at uh city journal who has exposed a lot of the worst examples of crt roofo has been labeled a conspiracy theorist a grifter an opportunist he's been accused of single-handedly creating a straw man that is critical race theory but we know the truth uh but really uh they just they just want to commit their bad behavior without any kind of consequences at all they want to make sure that they can get away with anything and they think that their lies still work don't listen to them when they try to backtrack away from critical race theory they're doing what they always do retreating when people call them out for their terrible ideas last month president obama said that only conservatives are concerned with crt there are certain right-wing media venues for example that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing america lo and behold the single most uh important issue to them apparently right now is critical race theory who knew that that was the threat to our republic why he's making me blush i think he's talking about us here's a video of a 28 year old barack obama in 1990. look out never seen this one before hugging derek bell who's derek bell just the founder of critical race theory he hasn't done it simply because of the excellence of his scholarship although his scholarship has opened up new vistas and new horizons and change the standards of what legal writing is about there they are hugging it out he speaks very warmly about a person who only conservatives care about that's because bell was obama's mentor at harvard see where he gets the deep-seated hatred here's an article about the occasion from 2012 published by slate which is basically the journalistic version of aoc notice the line here about what's critical race theory and how crazy is it nearly a decade later and suddenly critical race theory is a racist obsession created by racist conservatives we see the racist effects of it and criticize it and say you know this is pretty racist and they say well you don't know the facts man what article or books have you read look it's very clear um you know you could read you could read captain america and figure out that crt is racist and crt is just that but let's give them the benefit of the doubt so we dive into the text but there's that's not enough for them either they they say you can understand the text because you're inherently a racist like we need some sort of anti-racist decodering which i believe twinkies cereal promised us and i have been digging at the bottom of the twinkies oh they're deli this is healthy there's no decoder ring in this whole package none where's my marxist decoder ring huh if i can't get it from the twinkie corporation well where are you gonna get it what they're saying is um they can't fight fair they can't hold reasonable conversations all these smell like twinkies ooh i'm ready for a date now the ideas are so flimsy that they have to change all the rules of normal discourse they just they they just look the other way and say racist so i want you to look at the way they've defended nicole hannah jones now this is the new york times staff writer who won the pulitzer for her work on the 1619 project she was recently denied tenure at the university of north carolina over accusations of being historically inaccurate well that's a polite way of saying she's a big fat liar i'm sorry did i call her big instead of admitting defeat or god forbid conducting a little self-examination like am i a liar she and her leftist cohorts have returned to the reliable villain of us or how about patrice cullers she's the co-founder of blm who recently went on a four million dollar real estate shopping spree she's an avowed marxist isn't that crazy am i a marxist i'm a lot of things i do believe in marxism it's a philosophy that i learned really early on in my organizing career yeah i don't think you really understand marxism if you're out you know buying houses uh through the capitalists anyway the uh for the uh condensed version of her four and a half minute response to a yes or no question was that okay which is another leftist tactic avoiding questions by boring us to tears with answers full of meaningless words some of which they just make up meanwhile they completely escape accountability in this case accountability for the fact that an avowed marxist has violated the most important principles of marxism all while leading a radical marxist organization that has overtaken nearly every aspect of our daily life they've led riots in our cities and amassed millions of dollars that nobody's like where did i put that 10 million dollars but who gets blamed for it who gets blamed for color's hypocrisy yeah you guessed it it's us again and quote the tradition of terror by white supremacists end quote or they frame colors hypocrisy as quote a disruption to white supremacy and not a total uh contradiction and just flat out capitalist greed then there was the professor who recently gave a lecture at yale titled the psychopathic problem of the white mind and in it she describes fantasies she has of shooting people white people in the head multiple times the wall street journal ran a great editorial editorial recently about woke culture in which the author pointed out under the deep division in the country certain prizes pulitzer macarthur grants honorary degrees go almost exclusively to people whose views are woke presidential medals in the humanities in the arts for freedom are dictated by whether the president in office is woke or not a perfect example of this is ta nahisi coates now ta i like to call him ne um he is the macarthur fellow he is also the recipient of the national book award he is a critical race theorist extraordinaire who has defined racism as quote the need to ascribe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate reduce and destroy them gosh that sounds almost like critical race theory doesn't it golly gee wally mom and dad are going to be really upset about this when they get home now like most leftists he's as hypocritical as he is smug by his own definition he's a virulent racist which seems to have been his objective with the dr jordan red skull peterson a guy who just wants to use his decades of experience as a psychiatrist or psychologist to help people coats wrote in the issue 28 of the captain america comic book in it the nazi super villain red skull is referred to as the new leader of the power elite who brainwashes young white men over the internet with his new theory of the world wow that is a a really bad and dishonest take on jordan peterson's message but that's what these guys get you don't see them asking me to write anything about captain america do you no no no no no but they can and they can get away with anything the left says a lot of ridiculous stuff and they have kind of a tenuous relationship with the truth and as mentioned lots and lots of power so nobody speaks up especially because coates who is untouchable loves labeling people white supremacists the fact that i'm criticizing him likely ruins any chances i had in the comic book industry or being his pal which i have wanted to be his pal for so long what a tragedy elsewhere coates describes he describes conservatism as a movement steeped in white resentment that's the way i would describe it huh in an essay for the atlantic about the civil war he writes white americans finding easy comfort in non-violence and the radical love of the civil rights movement must reckon with the unsettling fact that black people in this country achieve the rudiments of their freedom through the killing of whites now i think you got that wrong it was mainly white people killing white people to free black people that's what i say to be clear whiteness and white supremacy especially when used in the context of eradicating an entire race of people are racist dog whistles they are a good clue that the person speaking or more often tweeting is actually a virulent racist with a mindful of hate and violence themselves it should alarm all of us to hear anyone speak like this yet recent calls for white genocide have been mostly shrugged off ah they don't mean it let me give you a little tip anytime somebody says i'm gonna kill you and all people like you i think it's a good safety tip to believe them take them at their word hey if they were lying no big deal if they were telling the truth you'll be prepared here's a thought-provoking article which tells us quote white supremacy is a virus like other viruses will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect oh i think she's talking about me which means the only way to stop it is to locate it isolate it extract it and kill it i guess a vaccine could work too but we've had 400 years to develop one so i wouldn't hold my breath oh wow how about some of these these are great too once again notice that they invalidate our concerns by labeling uh them as conspiracy theories or if they're extremely smug they go with myth i like that one the anti-definition defamation league you know comes out and says that the white genocide conspiracy is actually a creation of white supremacist conspiracy theorists another crt grifter is ibram x kendi otherwise known as henry rogers he builds himself as an anti-racist activist like coates he won a national book award he made it on time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2020 which kind of hurts because i was one of time magazine's 100 most influential people and i thought it meant something his book how to be an anti-racist is a critical race theory textbook like all other critical race theorists he's just as hateful just as cynical and self-important as coates so what's coming up next i'm going to give you a great example of how the accusation conspiracy theory really doesn't mean anything if anything it's a conspiracy all right let me tell you about rough greens uh my dog uno loves rough greens and i'm not kidding you we used to have to hand feed this dog and i'm like lord please what really this is the dog we have we have to stand there and hand feed him or we would stand if if you get him to eat in the bowl hey that was a victory but don't move because every time you would move and i mean just a little bit he would look at you and then he'd lose his interest and you'd have to start all over again it was excruciating then i started putting rough greens all over his food and he started to eat it and he loved it i honestly don't care if it's dog heroin i really don't care um he likes it he's eating now here's the good thing it's not dog heroin so your dog's not shooting up in the bathroom in the middle of the night anyway um what it is is something that is chock full of vitamins and minerals and probiotics and omega oils all the things that your dog needs and your wife is like you gotta hatch in my makeup all that stuff i don't care about it i just want it to taste good my dog loved it and my dog has actually changed now uh here's the thing your dog may not like it my dog does dr dennis black he's the inventor of rough greens he doesn't want that to be a reason not to give it a try because you know you don't want to buy a bag or something and then you're like oh great my dog wouldn't eat it and now i got a bag of this crap so here's the deal you get a free bag of rough greens it's a little bag you can try it out and make sure that your dog likes it then if your dog likes it then go to roughgreens.comback or call 833glen33 and get a bag of rough greens wait until you see the difference in your dog it's good stuff all right so tonight i want to prepare you for the tactics that you are going to come up against uh you're pretty familiar with you're a racist but it's still nice to know uh what's what's coming your way when you're about to be ambushed and and what to care about what not to care about as usual the left has booby-trapped and done everything to sabotage the possibility of listening to what we have to say about the state of america let alone facing up to their own problems so what is coming how do they do what are the tactics well one of the most successful ways they've done this is by constantly shifting the goal posts and changing the meaning of the words they use i'm going to give you a good example cultural marxism which used to be an acceptable name for the frankfurt school also known as critical theory the movement that critical race theory is largely based on the basic idea is that critical theorists look at traditional marxism which is based on economic equality and applied it to culture hence cultural marxism ideas like oppression systematic racism proto-fascism commodity fetishism and a slew of other made-up words and phrases that become leftist buzzwords now part of the reason they did this is because according to traditional marxism members of the frankfurt school were the enemy and they wanted the benefits of being oppressed but that's a topic for another show regular old marxism wasn't working because people were happy that's why they had to go into the cultural cultural marxism now if you google cultural marxism this is what you're going to get a page for the cultural marxism conspiracy theory it's categorized as part of a series on anti-semitism and discrimination the conspiracy theory basically claims that right-wing racists hate critical theory because conservatives hate jews i mean i was telling all my jewish friends when i was over in israel receiving the defender of israel award from benjamin netanyahu and i said isn't it crazy how much we all hate jews oh what a what a story to tell anyway the conspiracy theory about this supposed conspiracy theory is about as wild as the indiana jones plotline involving nazis and gun-obsessed villains but look past the fact that the left is often incredibly anti-semitic the timing of this conspiracy theory theory is a little suspect it's let's just say very sudden let me show you the cultural marxism page what it used to look like um there it is there it is now this is from may 19 2014. it's an archive of the talk section for cultural marxism there's a lot of pushback from a handful of wikipedia editors who felt like change uh like the change was political and a little bit suspect the change didn't happen without resistance an article in psychology today debunked the wikipedia page as quote academic propaganda camouflaged as scholarship now here are a few of the academic articles that wikipedia uses as proof of cultural marxism being a conspiracy theory this one appeared in and i'm not making this up the journal for social justice the author uh is an expert in critical theory and hate studies hate studies okay let's go back to the journal of social justice i was looking for that journal i couldn't find it anywhere and it's not really a journal it's more of a i mean have a look here it's a it's a pamphlet it's circulated by the transformative studies institute now just to give you a taste of some of the other articles that have been published in the journal of social justice the april edition included one titled is fat queer parallels between weight loss surgery and gender transition i think they're talking about me because i'm fat on the website for transformative studies institute you can also donate because it really wouldn't be a marxist publication without them begging for money right among the causes your donation will go to is activist training now the speaker's bureau section of the website tells you everything you need to know all of the speakers are the exact same kind of activist academics we've been warning you about the ones gunning for your children's minds right now here's one of their many publications called revolt in case you're wondering it's a marxist publication here's another example of the scholarly sources that wikipedia uses as proof that cultural marxism is a right-wing conspiracy theory from pacific standard about how jordan peterson is an anti-semitic alti-right fascist uh the art of the author of the article and you really can't make this up uh authored other lovely books such as nazi dreams films about fascism and bondage and fed and feminism in wonder woman oh man that wasn't a waste of money when you went to school it wasn't at all no way those were important books to you here he is promoting activism and crt in schools white americans have largely stopped seeing anti-racism as a major goal of educational policy instead they've chosen to fix a focus on maximizing their own choices and the success of their own children what monsters so that should make uh this guy kind of a dubious choice for writing a wikipedia article about how cultural marxism is a right-wing conspiracy theory then the cultural marxism conspiracy theory wikipedia pages uh rep uh references this article by the guardian cultural marxism a uniting theory for right wingers who love to play the victim can i tell you something if i hear another conservative just say i'm the victim here i'm the victim oh i'm oppressed i mean right we've heard that from the republicans never how's that for some per for some projection there that all of a sudden we're the ones saying we're oppressed the story of cultural marxism is also flexible it can be tailored to fit with the obsessions of a range of right wing actors such as it's one example of an idea from the extremes which has been mobilized by more mainstream figures and has dragged politics as a whole a little farther right oh boy the guardian nailed us on that one now our press feeds into the conspiracy theory about cultural marxism conspiracy theory of course what would the far left be without the help of the southern poverty law center oh they're great they've devoted time and space debunking the anti-semitic right-wing conspiracy known as cultural marxism now if you were just to go to wikipedia and see that cultural marxism is a right-wing anti-semitic conspiracy theory being promoted by jordan peterson and pretty much any conservative who challenges marxism you probably have no idea that all of those claims are based on absolute far left propaganda made by professional marxist activists and i'll give you a brief glimpse into what's going on behind the scenes on that one but that's how it always works what the what matters to the left is winning at all cost and they don't care what they have to say or do and they have control over media academia and culture and they use one of their most annoying tactics uh indignant denial the more glaring the lie the more casual now the republicans are thinking that critical race theory is a problem who knew this is the same for antifa they were trying to overthrow the government they're just a group of kids that just really wants some justice they've tried to act for months now like last summer's riots never happened they weaponize ideas concepts theories and most of all they weaponize words okay so don't use the term cultural marxism anymore you can say marxist cultural analysis but not cultural marxism fine that's not the point the point is we are being accused of terrible things by people who are actually doing terrible things so put your blinders on they're just a spoiled child playing a game they make up the rules as they go and that's how they think they will always win but in their arrogance they will lose tonight next i'm going to show you one of the principles they use to justify their behavior all right i'm going to tell you a little secret i have in my pocket a wonka bar this is oompa loompas made this this is going to be out on the market next week and it is the most delicious candy bar you ever have it's it's this is rocky road the marshmallows taste like marshmallows and the chocolate tastes like chocolate and the snozz wanglers tastes like snazzwanglers billbar my wife says it's a protein bar it's got low calories 120 calories it's good for you and i'm like then why am i eating it honey really why am i eating it it's good for you yeah this tastes like rocky road ice cream it's a new flavor and it is coming out next week protein bar candy bar get a box you're going to love them beck 15 go to use the promo code beck15 you'll save 15 percent off your first order promo codebeck15 at snozzle anglers did anybody think when you heard that the biden administration said they were going to go door to door to talk about vaccines did anybody else think my gosh our administration has fully become community organizers where does that come from i want to take the breadcrumb trail back a little further because there's one concept that you really need to know it's the secret of marxism it's called praxis it is the idea praxis and it explains everything about market marxism it is the idea that motivates everything they do the mission is activism community organizing they use theory for activism they use art for activism they inject it into sports movies leisure time have you noticed everything is about politics that's praxism that's that's what they do every aspect of life according to karl marx and marxist it must pay homage to praxis it's an important word for you to remember praxis now you're going to start seeing it everywhere it's one of the left's favorite buzz words now it's a dog whistle for him remember i showed you the bogus journal of social justice okay it bills itself as quote the flagship journal of critical theory and praxis theory in action see their goal is to quote establish a tuition-free graduate school granting accredited phds and ma degrees to foster interdisciplinary research that will bridge theory with praxis otherwise known as action and encourage community involvement to alleviate social problems and promote social justice it basically expresses mark's mission he said philosophers have hereto only interpreted the word uh or the world in various ways the point is to change it praxis is action it's based on aristotle's three modes of being there was thinking there was making and then there was doing praxis in 1938 a polish philosopher with sorry 1838 a polish philosopher whose name i ca i mean look at that name i'm never going to be able to never going to be able to pronounce it he was one of the first intellectuals to use the modern meaning of the word which he defined as action oriented towards changing society 19th century another major socialist described marxism as the philosophy of praxis the idea here is that humans always need political guidance this was mark's arrogance he thought he had the answers that nobody else could see the arrogance clearly served him well otherwise it wouldn't be called marxism it'd be called i don't know bobbism or any of the other socialist movements that have failed to do anything but if you want to see praxis in action look to colleges now this is really important it's how they've turned academia into instruments of social engineering they use it in college to change society this is why they're after our children now not colleges only now are little children they are making activists why because that's marxism the purpose is no longer educational it's social they're using the classrooms to cause social change the most important takeaway from tonight's show is whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years we're seeing it right now with critical race theory it started on the campus started in the classroom and i don't want your children to be yet another victim of the cultural warfare of a nightmare that seems like will never end but that's what's coming because of praxis for instance it is undeniable that the social science sciences lean overwhelmingly left right universities are full of leftist professors and more and more often leftist administrators we know that the left is driven by hypocrisy we know that they manipulatively use race to get power but do any of them actually believe what they say we know the answer but once again let's use some proof to clarify that answer a recent study found that 78.2 percent of the academic departments in this sample have either zero republicans or so few as to make no difference okay so what does that mean well they silence anybody who disagrees with them and it also means that your values are nowhere to be found on any campus and with praxis professors aren't teaching they are training new activists so universities don't supply knowledge anymore they supply the illusion of equality or equity they have created a trap for their own benefit the education trap they have they have stopped all social mobility more important importantly who are they looking to for their moral guidance who are their heroes objectively it would have to be michael foucault he is a french philosopher from the 1960s who popularized many of the terrible ideas that we're now faced with on a daily basis including stuff like gender is a social construct how many times have you heard that from somebody with a nose ring and institutions need to be destroyed a colleague of foucault claimed that at the time of his death he was perhaps the most the single most famous intellectual in the world now[Music] and now they have a new boogeyman to latch on to critical race theory republicans are fanning the flames of a new culture war claiming the teaching of critical race theory is a threat to our kids the single most uh important issue to them apparently right now is critical race theory who knew that was the threat to our republic this this is the signal that we're winning the war against critical race theory i make the case that we shouldn't believe that anyone is inherently racist or that we should identify anyone as a racist because a defeated animal they are slowly backtracking walking back their words and trying desperately to shift the narrative have you ever heard of any school that's teaching that anywhere i haven't and and indeed i would speak out against that school if it was doing it all because of you you personally tell a white kid oh the black people are all down to suppress how do i have two medical degrees if i'm sitting here oppressed you black white democrat republican independent you stood up against these evil ideas that quickly began to infiltrate our kids schools but the marxists will be back in fact they're crawling all around us like cockroaches in every single institution we're desperately trying to preserve so tonight using critical race theory i'm going to expose the secret of marxism the tactics they use every single time and the methods they're using now just say whatever you want and then you back away from it and you dance around to not so slowly now transform our nation into their dystopian dream tonight marxist methods debunking the left's lies about critical race theory hello america i just have to tell you uh there's nothing like starting a program off with a little bit of um being talked down to by barack obama all right critical race theory like that's a big deal yes sir that's why i said you're a racist no that's not quite right but he seems to have a deep-seated of uh hatred for white people and the white culture critical race theory i retract my apology this is being fed spoon fed to our kids and the left they're masters at gaslighting after you're a racist next on the hit parade is you're a conspiracy theorist they'll do anything to discredit anybody even if it's absolutely true i want to show you christopher ruffo he's the editor at uh city journal who has exposed a lot of the worst examples of crt roofo has been labeled a conspiracy theorist a grifter an opportunist he's been accused of single-handedly creating a straw man that is critical race theory but we know the truth uh but really uh they just they just want to commit their bad behavior without any kind of consequences at all they want to make sure that they can get away with anything and they think that their lies still work don't listen to them when they try to backtrack away from critical race theory they're doing what they always do retreating when people call them out for their terrible ideas last month president obama said that only conservatives are concerned with crt there are certain right-wing media venues for example that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing america lo and behold the single most uh important issue to them apparently right now is critical race theory who knew that that was the threat to our republic why he's making me blush i think he's talking about us here's a video of a 28 year old barack obama in 1990. look out never seen this one before hugging derek bell who's derek bell just the founder of critical race theory he hasn't done it simply because of the excellence of his scholarship although his scholarship has opened up new vistas and new horizons and change the standards of what legal writing is about there they are hugging it out he speaks very warmly about a person who only conservatives care about that's because bell was obama's mentor at harvard see where he gets the deep-seated hatred here's an article about the occasion from 2012 published by slate which is basically the journalistic version of aoc notice the line here about what's critical race theory and how crazy is it nearly a decade later and suddenly critical race theory is a racist obsession created by racist conservatives we see the racist effects of it and criticize it and say you know this is pretty racist and they say well you don't know the facts man what article or books have you read look it's very clear um you know you could read you could read captain america and figure out that crt is racist and crt is just that but let's give them the benefit of the doubt so we dive into the text but there's that's not enough for them either they they say you can understand the text because you're inherently a racist like we need some sort of anti-racist decodering which i believe twinkies cereal promised us and i have been digging at the bottom of the twinkies oh they're deli this is healthy there's no decoder ring in this whole package none where's my marxist decoder ring huh if i can't get it from the twinkie corporation well where are you gonna get it what they're saying is um they can't fight fair they can't hold reasonable conversations all these smell like twinkies ooh i'm ready for a date now the ideas are so flimsy that they have to change all the rules of normal discourse they just they they just look the other way and say racist so i want you to look at the way they've defended nicole hannah jones now this is the new york times staff writer who won the pulitzer for her work on the 1619 project she was recently denied tenure at the university of north carolina over accusations of being historically inaccurate well that's a polite way of saying she's a big fat liar i'm sorry did i call her big instead of admitting defeat or god forbid conducting a little self-examination like am i a liar she and her leftist cohorts have returned to the reliable villain of us or how about patrice cullers she's the co-founder of blm who recently went on a four million dollar real estate shopping spree she's an avowed marxist isn't that crazy am i a marxist i'm a lot of things i do believe in marxism it's a philosophy that i learned really early on in my organizing career yeah i don't think you really understand marxism if you're out you know buying houses uh through the capitalists anyway the uh for the uh condensed version of her four and a half minute response to a yes or no question was that okay which is another leftist tactic avoiding questions by boring us to tears with answers full of meaningless words some of which they just make up meanwhile they completely escape accountability in this case accountability for the fact that an avowed marxist has violated the most important principles of marxism all while leading a radical marxist organization that has overtaken nearly every aspect of our daily life they've led riots in our cities and amassed millions of dollars that nobody's like where did i put that 10 million dollars but who gets blamed for it who gets blamed for color's hypocrisy yeah you guessed it it's us again and quote the tradition of terror by white supremacists end quote or they frame colors hypocrisy as quote a disruption to white supremacy and not a total uh contradiction and just flat out capitalist greed then there was the professor who recently gave a lecture at yale titled the psychopathic problem of the white mind and in it she describes fantasies she has of shooting people white people in the head multiple times the wall street journal ran a great editorial editorial recently about woke culture in which the author pointed out under the deep division in the country certain prizes pulitzer macarthur grants honorary degrees go almost exclusively to people whose views are woke presidential medals in the humanities in the arts for freedom are dictated by whether the president in office is woke or not a perfect example of this is ta nahisi coates now ta i like to call him ne um he is the macarthur fellow he is also the recipient of the national book award he is a critical race theorist extraordinaire who has defined racism as quote the need to ascribe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate reduce and destroy them gosh that sounds almost like critical race theory doesn't it golly gee wally mom and dad are going to be really upset about this when they get home now like most leftists he's as hypocritical as he is smug by his own definition he's a virulent racist which seems to have been his objective with the dr jordan red skull peterson a guy who just wants to use his decades of experience as a psychiatrist or psychologist to help people coats wrote in the issue 28 of the captain america comic book in it the nazi super villain red skull is referred to as the new leader of the power elite who brainwashes young white men over the internet with his new theory of the world wow that is a a really bad and dishonest take on jordan peterson's message but that's what these guys get you don't see them asking me to write anything about captain america do you no no no no no but they can and they can get away with anything the left says a lot of ridiculous stuff and they have kind of a tenuous relationship with the truth and as mentioned lots and lots of power so nobody speaks up especially because coates who is untouchable loves labeling people white supremacists the fact that i'm criticizing him likely ruins any chances i had in the comic book industry or being his pal which i have wanted to be his pal for so long what a tragedy elsewhere coates describes he describes conservatism as a movement steeped in white resentment that's the way i would describe it huh in an essay for the atlantic about the civil war he writes white americans finding easy comfort in non-violence and the radical love of the civil rights movement must reckon with the unsettling fact that black people in this country achieve the rudiments of their freedom through the killing of whites now i think you got that wrong it was mainly white people killing white people to free black people that's what i say to be clear whiteness and white supremacy especially when used in the context of eradicating an entire race of people are racist dog whistles they are a good clue that the person speaking or more often tweeting is actually a virulent racist with a mindful of hate and violence themselves it should alarm all of us to hear anyone speak like this yet recent calls for white genocide have been mostly shrugged off ah they don't mean it let me give you a little tip anytime somebody says i'm gonna kill you and all people like you i think it's a good safety tip to believe them take them at their word hey if they were lying no big deal if they were telling the truth you'll be prepared here's a thought-provoking article which tells us quote white supremacy is a virus like other viruses will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect oh i think she's talking about me which means the only way to stop it is to locate it isolate it extract it and kill it i guess a vaccine could work too but we've had 400 years to develop one so i wouldn't hold my breath oh wow how about some of these these are great too once again notice that they invalidate our concerns by labeling uh them as conspiracy theories or if they're extremely smug they go with myth i like that one the anti-definition defamation league you know comes out and says that the white genocide conspiracy is actually a creation of white supremacist conspiracy theorists another crt grifter is ibram x kendi otherwise known as henry rogers he builds himself as an anti-racist activist like coates he won a national book award he made it on time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2020 which kind of hurts because i was one of time magazine's 100 most influential people and i thought it meant something his book how to be an anti-racist is a critical race theory textbook like all other critical race theorists he's just as hateful just as cynical and self-important as coates so what's coming up next i'm going to give you a great example of how the accusation conspiracy theory really doesn't mean anything if anything it's a conspiracy all right let me tell you about rough greens uh my dog uno loves rough greens and i'm not kidding you we used to have to hand feed this dog and i'm like lord please what really this is the dog we have we have to stand there and hand feed him or we would stand if if you get him to eat in the bowl hey that was a victory but don't move because every time you would move and i mean just a little bit he would look at you and then he'd lose his interest and you'd have to start all over again it was excruciating then i started putting rough greens all over his food and he started to eat it and he loved it i honestly don't care if it's dog heroin i really don't care um he likes it he's eating now here's the good thing it's not dog heroin so your dog's not shooting up in the bathroom in the middle of the night anyway um what it is is something that is chock full of vitamins and minerals and probiotics and omega oils all the things that your dog needs and your wife is like you gotta hatch in my makeup all that stuff i don't care about it i just want it to taste good my dog loved it and my dog has actually changed now uh here's the thing your dog may not like it my dog does dr dennis black he's the inventor of rough greens he doesn't want that to be a reason not to give it a try because you know you don't want to buy a bag or something and then you're like oh great my dog wouldn't eat it and now i got a bag of this crap so here's the deal you get a free bag of rough greens it's a little bag you can try it out and make sure that your dog likes it then if your dog likes it then go to roughgreens.comback or call 833glen33 and get a bag of rough greens wait until you see the difference in your dog it's good stuff all right so tonight i want to prepare you for the tactics that you are going to come up against uh you're pretty familiar with you're a racist but it's still nice to know uh what's what's coming your way when you're about to be ambushed and and what to care about what not to care about as usual the left has booby-trapped and done everything to sabotage the possibility of listening to what we have to say about the state of america let alone facing up to their own problems so what is coming how do they do what are the tactics well one of the most successful ways they've done this is by constantly shifting the goal posts and changing the meaning of the words they use i'm going to give you a good example cultural marxism which used to be an acceptable name for the frankfurt school also known as critical theory the movement that critical race theory is largely based on the basic idea is that critical theorists look at traditional marxism which is based on economic equality and applied it to culture hence cultural marxism ideas like oppression systematic racism proto-fascism commodity fetishism and a slew of other made-up words and phrases that become leftist buzzwords now part of the reason they did this is because according to traditional marxism members of the frankfurt school were the enemy and they wanted the benefits of being oppressed but that's a topic for another show regular old marxism wasn't working because people were happy that's why they had to go into the cultural cultural marxism now if you google cultural marxism this is what you're going to get a page for the cultural marxism conspiracy theory it's categorized as part of a series on anti-semitism and discrimination the conspiracy theory basically claims that right-wing racists hate critical theory because conservatives hate jews i mean i was telling all my jewish friends when i was over in israel receiving the defender of israel award from benjamin netanyahu and i said isn't it crazy how much we all hate jews oh what a what a story to tell anyway the conspiracy theory about this supposed conspiracy theory is about as wild as the indiana jones plotline involving nazis and gun-obsessed villains but look past the fact that the left is often incredibly anti-semitic the timing of this conspiracy theory theory is a little suspect it's let's just say very sudden let me show you the cultural marxism page what it used to look like um there it is there it is now this is from may 19 2014. it's an archive of the talk section for cultural marxism there's a lot of pushback from a handful of wikipedia editors who felt like change uh like the change was political and a little bit suspect the change didn't happen without resistance an article in psychology today debunked the wikipedia page as quote academic propaganda camouflaged as scholarship now here are a few of the academic articles that wikipedia uses as proof of cultural marxism being a conspiracy theory this one appeared in and i'm not making this up the journal for social justice the author uh is an expert in critical theory and hate studies hate studies okay let's go back to the journal of social justice i was looking for that journal i couldn't find it anywhere and it's not really a journal it's more of a i mean have a look here it's a it's a pamphlet it's circulated by the transformative studies institute now just to give you a taste of some of the other articles that have been published in the journal of social justice the april edition included one titled is fat queer parallels between weight loss surgery and gender transition i think they're talking about me because i'm fat on the website for transformative studies institute you can also donate because it really wouldn't be a marxist publication without them begging for money right among the causes your donation will go to is activist training now the speaker's bureau section of the website tells you everything you need to know all of the speakers are the exact same kind of activist academics we've been warning you about the ones gunning for your children's minds right now here's one of their many publications called revolt in case you're wondering it's a marxist publication here's another example of the scholarly sources that wikipedia uses as proof that cultural marxism is a right-wing conspiracy theory from pacific standard about how jordan peterson is an anti-semitic alti-right fascist uh the art of the author of the article and you really can't make this up uh authored other lovely books such as nazi dreams films about fascism and bondage and fed and feminism in wonder woman oh man that wasn't a waste of money when you went to school it wasn't at all no way those were important books to you here he is promoting activism and crt in schools white americans have largely stopped seeing anti-racism as a major goal of educational policy instead they've chosen to fix a focus on maximizing their own choices and the success of their own children what monsters so that should make uh this guy kind of a dubious choice for writing a wikipedia article about how cultural marxism is a right-wing conspiracy theory then the cultural marxism conspiracy theory wikipedia pages uh rep uh references this article by the guardian cultural marxism a uniting theory for right wingers who love to play the victim can i tell you something if i hear another conservative just say i'm the victim here i'm the victim oh i'm oppressed i mean right we've heard that from the republicans never how's that for some per for some projection there that all of a sudden we're the ones saying we're oppressed the story of cultural marxism is also flexible it can be tailored to fit with the obsessions of a range of right wing actors such as it's one example of an idea from the extremes which has been mobilized by more mainstream figures and has dragged politics as a whole a little farther right oh boy the guardian nailed us on that one now our press feeds into the conspiracy theory about cultural marxism conspiracy theory of course what would the far left be without the help of the southern poverty law center oh they're great they've devoted time and space debunking the anti-semitic right-wing conspiracy known as cultural marxism now if you were just to go to wikipedia and see that cultural marxism is a right-wing anti-semitic conspiracy theory being promoted by jordan peterson and pretty much any conservative who challenges marxism you probably have no idea that all of those claims are based on absolute far left propaganda made by professional marxist activists and i'll give you a brief glimpse into what's going on behind the scenes on that one but that's how it always works what the what matters to the left is winning at all cost and they don't care what they have to say or do and they have control over media academia and culture and they use one of their most annoying tactics uh indignant denial the more glaring the lie the more casual now the republicans are thinking that critical race theory is a problem who knew this is the same for antifa they were trying to overthrow the government they're just a group of kids that just really wants some justice they've tried to act for months now like last summer's riots never happened they weaponize ideas concepts theories and most of all they weaponize words okay so don't use the term cultural marxism anymore you can say marxist cultural analysis but not cultural marxism fine that's not the point the point is we are being accused of terrible things by people who are actually doing terrible things so put your blinders on they're just a spoiled child playing a game they make up the rules as they go and that's how they think they will always win but in their arrogance they will lose tonight next i'm going to show you one of the principles they use to justify their behavior all right i'm going to tell you a little secret i have in my pocket a wonka bar this is oompa loompas made this this is going to be out on the market next week and it is the most delicious candy bar you ever have it's it's this is rocky road the marshmallows taste like marshmallows and the chocolate tastes like chocolate and the snozz wanglers tastes like snazzwanglers billbar my wife says it's a protein bar it's got low calories 120 calories it's good for you and i'm like then why am i eating it honey really why am i eating it it's good for you yeah this tastes like rocky road ice cream it's a new flavor and it is coming out next week protein bar candy bar get a box you're going to love them beck 15 go to use the promo code beck15 you'll save 15 percent off your first order promo codebeck15 at snozzle anglers did anybody think when you heard that the biden administration said they were going to go door to door to talk about vaccines did anybody else think my gosh our administration has fully become community organizers where does that come from i want to take the breadcrumb trail back a little further because there's one concept that you really need to know it's the secret of marxism it's called praxis it is the idea praxis and it explains everything about market marxism it is the idea that motivates everything they do the mission is activism community organizing they use theory for activism they use art for activism they inject it into sports movies leisure time have you noticed everything is about politics that's praxism that's that's what they do every aspect of life according to karl marx and marxist it must pay homage to praxis it's an important word for you to remember praxis now you're going to start seeing it everywhere it's one of the left's favorite buzz words now it's a dog whistle for him remember i showed you the bogus journal of social justice okay it bills itself as quote the flagship journal of critical theory and praxis theory in action see their goal is to quote establish a tuition-free graduate school granting accredited phds and ma degrees to foster interdisciplinary research that will bridge theory with praxis otherwise known as action and encourage community involvement to alleviate social problems and promote social justice it basically expresses mark's mission he said philosophers have hereto only interpreted the word uh or the world in various ways the point is to change it praxis is action it's based on aristotle's three modes of being there was thinking there was making and then there was doing praxis in 1938 a polish philosopher with sorry 1838 a polish philosopher whose name i ca i mean look at that name i'm never going to be able to never going to be able to pronounce it he was one of the first intellectuals to use the modern meaning of the word which he defined as action oriented towards changing society 19th century another major socialist described marxism as the philosophy of praxis the idea here is that humans always need political guidance this was mark's arrogance he thought he had the answers that nobody else could see the arrogance clearly served him well otherwise it wouldn't be called marxism it'd be called i don't know bobbism or any of the other socialist movements that have failed to do anything but if you want to see praxis in action look to colleges now this is really important it's how they've turned academia into instruments of social engineering they use it in college to change society this is why they're after our children now not colleges only now are little children they are making activists why because that's marxism the purpose is no longer educational it's social they're using the classrooms to cause social change the most important takeaway from tonight's show is whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years we're seeing it right now with critical race theory it started on the campus started in the classroom and i don't want your children to be yet another victim of the cultural warfare of a nightmare that seems like will never end but that's what's coming because of praxis for instance it is undeniable that the social science sciences lean overwhelmingly left right universities are full of leftist professors and more and more often leftist administrators we know that the left is driven by hypocrisy we know that they manipulatively use race to get power but do any of them actually believe what they say we know the answer but once again let's use some proof to clarify that answer a recent study found that 78.2 percent of the academic departments in this sample have either zero republicans or so few as to make no difference okay so what does that mean well they silence anybody who disagrees with them and it also means that your values are nowhere to be found on any campus and with praxis professors aren't teaching they are training new activists so universities don't supply knowledge anymore they supply the illusion of equality or equity they have created a trap for their own benefit the education trap they have they have stopped all social mobility more important importantly who are they looking to for their moral guidance who are their heroes objectively it would have to be michael foucault he is a french philosopher from the 1960s who popularized many of the terrible ideas that we're now faced with on a daily basis including stuff like gender is a social construct how many times have you heard that from somebody with a nose ring and institutions need to be destroyed a colleague of foucault claimed that at the time of his death he was perhaps the most the single most famous intellectual in the world now

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