Review: "The Mist"

IT MISSED Kyle Smith review of “The Mist” 126 minutes/Rated R (profanity, graphic violence) I’m scared of a lot of things. Cancer, al Qaeda, chemical-plant eruptions, careening wrong-way delivery boys on cast-iron Chinese bicycles, teenagers. Land octopi aren’t in my top 1000. “The Mist,” a pretentious left-wing monster movie with about 15 minutes of alarming creatures and a whole lot of bickering, is a pre-9/11 story Stephen King wrote eons ago that operates in the post-9/11 era about as well as a Studebaker at the Daytona 500. Thomas Jane heads an A-Z of C-listers who are in a Maine grocery store when the eponymous clammy front sweeps in. A codger dashes bleeding from the vapor hollering, “Something in the mist took John Lee!”...

Proper Review
Nov 21st 2007
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