'What Maisie Knew': The Sheep from the Goats

FilmWhat Maisie KnewMaisieA Separation There may not be many movies with happy endings more heartless than the one in “What Maisie Knew.” The new adaptation of Henry James’s novel about divorce as seen through the eyes of a small child does some things really well. All of the acting is great, especially Onata Aprile as six-year-old Maisie and Steve Coogan as her art-dealer father. Cell phones are used terrifically to create a sense of parental distraction, chaos, and irreconcilable conflicting demands. We sense that Maisie’s understanding of her situation is fragmentary and almost fantastical. She is compliant, and protective of the adults in her life, but repeated disappointments also make her scared and hesitant. She’s mercurial in a very real little-kid...

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May 25th 2013
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