"G.I. Joe" Doesn't Make It Out of Boot Camp?

Ever-alert Lou Lumenick comes by to mention that New York Magazine’s approval matrix breaks some news: “G.I. Joe” will not screen for critics, apparently to avert rotten reviews. [UPDATE: Paramount denies this and says the movie will screen for critics.] “G.I. Joe” would be, I believe, the biggest movie ever to get queasy at the thought of critical artillery, throw down its weapon and register for conscientious objector status. As my senior colleague Lou documented exhaustively on his blog, the title of Biggest Movie Ever to Duck Reviews was about to be held, a couple of years ago, by the Nicolas Cage chuckle-inducer “Ghost Rider” when Sony finally relented and agreed to hold a “critics’ screening” –actually, the premiere —...

Proper Review
Jul 27th 2009
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