‘Cars 3’ Isn’t Woke—It’s Conservative

Even before “Wonder Woman” opened at the top of the box office on June 1 with more than $38 million in ticket sales, the superhero flick’s female-empowerment theme garnered the attention of both Left and Right. But two weeks later, when “Cars 3” raced to first, there was little mention of the girl power theme showcased in the third installment of Disney’s Pixar franchise. And those few who did note the plotline got it all wrong.

Here’s what one reviewer wrote about “Cars 3”: “It’s even kinda woke, if you can believe that. Old timey cars talk about racial prejudice and sexism in a particularly weird sequence at a crucial point in the film. McQueen’s character arc is paralleled by that of Cruz Ramirez (Cristela Alonzo)...

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Jul 20th 2017
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