Excellent Dark Fantasy Anime without the Poz
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This is def a hidden gem. Excellent visuals, Castlevania style fight scenes, fascinating world building, characters do not at all seem to track well-known anime stereotypes and in fact have very interesting personalities and dialogue. Its part action, horror, mystery, suspense but they blend well together to give a very batman style aesthetic. Also good to know is that there is virtually no smut, no nsfw, no pandering to wokeness and no fanservice either. Its one of the few anime I have ever seen where the main female character actually has a good relationship with her father and actually respects him and his legacy and tries to live up to it. Overall I give it a solid 10/10. Would love to see another season as long as (((netflix))) doesn't start getting involved in production and script that is.
Jan 20th 2022
This review was posted from Pakistan or from a VPN in Pakistan.
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