REVIEW: tick, tick…BOOM! (2021)

Based on the stage play of the same name, tick, tick…BOOM! tells the story of Jonathan Larson’s quest to create a successful musical. The Netflix movie musical is directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda and came out on November 19th. The source material started as an off-Broadway one-man show, with Larson performing the material himself in the early 90s. After he passed away in 1995 from an aortic aneurysm, that show was retooled into a three-performer play closer to what we see in the film. I haven’t seen or heard either iteration of the stage show, and I actually don’t like Rent, the mega-musical which posthumously put Larson on the map. This movie’s cast would have gotten my attention, but tick, tick…BOOM! is Lin-Manuel Miranda’s directorial debut, and that’s why I wanted...

Contains Mention
Nov 30th 2021
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