REVIEW: Eternals (2021)

If Eternals proves anything, it’s that the cosmic wing of the Marvel Cinematic Universe peaked with Thanos. This is a movie that thinks it’s much smarter than it is, content to have its soulless characters speak monotonously about ideas it has no interest in exploring. It’s pretty to look at – most of the time – but there’s nothing beneath the makeup.

The Eternals are immortal beings sent to Earth to protect it from a race of alien monsters called the Deviants. Once their nemeses are defeated, they spend millennia living among us, waiting to be called home by their Celestial creator Arishem. But when the Deviants return, the Eternals must join forces once more to end their war for good.

The opening scenes of Eternals perfectly delineate how the rest of the movie will play...

Proper Review
Nov 5th 2021
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