Christmas Box Office #2: Why Him?, Fences

Blog Posts Movie Reviews Fences – Rated PG-13: The Feel-Good-Philandering-Jerk-Who-Dies Christmas Movie of the Year! This long, slow, boring, unnecessary movie clocks in at nearly 2.5 hours. Denzel Washington both directs and stars in this waste of time, as Troy Maxson, an angry Black bus driver with a giant chip–no, a meteor–on his shoulder. Troy is mad that he is a terrific baseball player but can’t play in the pros because of racism (which is interesting because the movie apparently takes place in the early 1950s, and Jackie Robinson made his Major League Baseball debut in 1947). He is also mad that he is a garbage man and has to pick up and empty the garbage, but there are no Black men driving trucks. He complains about that and is soon driving a truck. But...

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Dec 25th 2016
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