A pure gem
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Affirmative Action
Although the last season may be considered as weaker than the other ones, all in all, this show is still wonderful. It is deep, smart and interesting. The characters are well built and well written (and, for example, you get really strong, interresting and deep female characters who are still human, and thus can fail, can be wrong, are sometimes weak or silly or cowardly ... just like their male counterparts) and the story is really nice. The inclusion of "diversity" happens when it is appropriate; like, for example : of course, the french secret services would use a guy who looks like an Arab to operate in the Middle East, because it just makes sense; of course there are some black characters in the show, but they are not better, nor worse, than the other ones In the last season, the black overweight liberal-oriented female character that recently appeared and seemed so nice even happens to be a russian secret agent ). There is no forced alphabet-community propaganda. And even better : the whole story takes place in a world where there are no good guys and no bad guys. It is even one of the main points of the show : you may be a good person; but as a secret agent, you'll have to do horrible things to people who are not bad per se, and who even may be very nice, but who happen to be born on the other side of the frontier. And it is not fair. It is not moral. But they'd do the same to you. And you do it because you serve your country first. And although you know that you do what you have to do, on the long run it may destroy you. But it could be worse : you could choose to let morality or emotions lead you and that's the choice one of the main characters makes, when he decides to disobey in order to keep a relation with a woman he loves . And in this case you will lose everything. All in all, an excellent show. Neo-Marxism 1 : if you are extremely woke, you could understand the show as a critic of nationalisms. If you are not, you'll understand that it's a statement about the cruelty of the world. Misandry 0 : all characters have flaws; female characters are not better than male characters; everybody is f**ked up in a way or another. Affirmative Action 1 : you could maybe consider "The mule" as a token Black character (she's even a woman, and obese, so I guess it counts for three tokens). But she's quite insignificant. LGBTQRDFTTGGHH bullsh*t 0 : nothing to say here. Because unless it's relevant to the story, the personal life of the characters is not depicted. As it should be. One of the female characters (Marie-Jeanne) could be a lesbian, but it's never stated. Because it is irrelevant. Anti-God 0 : nothing against religion per se. At the exception of the islamist antagonists, the characters do not seem to have any link to any religion. That's because in France, religion is considered as a very private matter, and something you most often wouldn't speak about with your coworkers.
Jan 24th 2022
This review was posted from France or from a VPN in France.
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