If You Want People to Embrace Tolerance, Don’t Make a Movie Like ‘The Square’

A few days ago, I entered a local contest to win tickets to see the Swedish movie, The Square. I actually won, and given my love of Scandinavian culture and knowing that the movie won an award at the Cannes Film Festival this year, I entered the movie theater with high hopes. I left an excruciating two-and-a-half hours later shaking my head in bewilderment. Thankfully, the tickets were free because I would have been disappointed to have paid good money to see it.

If you haven’t heard of The Square, the best line I’ve seen to describe it is, “It’s too surprising to spoil and too weird to explain.” The only positive thing about the movie was that it was aesthetically beautiful (and there’s a scene where a character hates on the Comic Sans font). But my biggest...

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Nov 17th 2017
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