REVIEW: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)

Disney+ has officially announced that their Percy Jackson TV show is now casting, the new series coming soon. With this news, a retrospective of the original Percy Jackson film, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, is in order.

Many fans who grew up loving the Percy Jackson series have since found themselves souring on the story the older they get, the books and the movies alike. The books once seemed like the pinnacle of storytelling before these fans were exposed to better young adult fantasy series, and until they matured enough to realize its stark flaws. Even as a kids’ movie, this film must endure scrutiny from an analytical mind and stand on its own. Being for children or loved by children is not a defense for poor quality.

With such an insane cast and the talent...

Proper Review
Jan 28th 2022
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