Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Characters resort to violence as revenge. Family members use extremely abusive and cruel language as main means of communication. A young college boy is involved with an older, separated-but-still-married mother of two children. |
Violence | Most violence occurs off-screen, although the resulting wounds can be explicit, including, most graphically, a close-up of a face after it is shot. |
Sex | No visible encounters, but off-screen sexual activity clearly implied. |
Language | Strong language in several scenes. |
Drugs | Sissy Spacek's character smokes constantly. Some references to possibility of alcoholism. |
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