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Summary: Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter Willow, and mother Gammy - three generations of women open their home for a series of candid conversations with family and friends. Follow Red Table Talk for new episodes, only on Facebook Watch.
Release Date: May 07, 2018

Country: United States
Language: English
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Don't Tell Larry: The Web Series (2018)

Actors: Kiel Kennedy

Get Educated (2015)

Actors: Biz Lyon, Stephen Carey, Nicole Foti, Jordyn Lucas, David Pinion, and Reid Miller

The Family That Plays Spin the Bottle Together (2015)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Plan Perfect (2014)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Justin America (2013)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Her Ten Gallon Hat (2012)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

The Pursuit (2011)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Up There with Pie (2011)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Scrappers (2010)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

The NoHo Show (2009)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

36 Parables: Blue the Parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Wicked Servant, and the Two Debtors (2008)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Buried Talent (2005)

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter

Mildred & Maggie ()

Actors: Jamie Kaler and Cat Alter
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