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Summary: A series of television movies based on the works of Rosamunde Pilcher, a popular British writer of romance novels and short stories.
Release Date: October 30, 1993
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 1 h 30 min

Countries: Germany, Austria
Language: German

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Mainostelevisio (MTV3)

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Summary: Detective Chief Inspector Stephan Derrick and his loyal assistant, Inspector Harry Klein, solve murder cases in Munich and surrounding areas.
Release Date: October 20, 1974
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: West Germany
Language: German
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Summary: A police department led by an older, experienced detective solves crimes together.
Release Date: April 11, 1977
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: West Germany
Language: German
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Die Handwerker Gottes (2007)

In aller Freundschaft (1998)

The Michael Nyman Songbook (1992)

Keep on Running (1991)

Blaues Blut (1988)

Actors: Tushka Bergen

Titanic (1984)

Actors: Tushka Bergen

Mit der Kamera dabei (1971)

Actors: Tushka Bergen

Unheimliche Geschichten (1982)

Actors: Tushka Bergen

Animals United (1969)

Actors: Tushka Bergen

Stella (1966)

Actors: Tushka Bergen
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