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Summary: Bill Kurtis hosts this documentary series that profiles criminal cases involving high profile murders, serial killers, and organized crime. Each episode culminating with the justice dispensed by the American legal system in each c...
Release Date: October 07, 1992
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Production: Towers Productions
Country: United States
Language: English
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How the States Got Their Shapes (2011)

Border Wars (2010)

Digging for the Truth (2005)

National Geographic Ultimate Explorer (2003)

Get Out There! (2005)

Deep Sea Detectives (2003)

National Body Challenge (2005)

Taboo (2002)

Minute by Minute (2001)

History's Mysteries (1998)

The Unexplained (1996)

Saving the Sphinx (1998)

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