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Summary: When Léo's brother Ludo is killed in Hamburg, despite orders she partners with German cop Mélanie to investigate. Unbeknownst to them, Nice faces a threat and they share an unknown connection.
Runtime: 1 h 32 min

Country: France
Language: French
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Coup de jeune (2009)

The Anarchist's Wife (2008)

Actors: Juan Diego Botto and María Valverde

Le caprice des cigognes (2006)

Actors: Juan Diego Botto and María Valverde

Pas de bagage (2005)

Actors: Juan Diego Botto and María Valverde

Les seins de ma prof d'anglais (2004)

Actors: Juan Diego Botto and María Valverde

On fait comme on a dit (2000)

Actors: Juan Diego Botto and María Valverde
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