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Summary: Identical twins are separated at birth, one becoming a streetwise mechanic, and the other an acclaimed classical concert conductor. Finally meeting in adulthood, they each become mistaken for the other and entangled in each other'...
Runtime: 1 h 44 min

Country: Hong Kong
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 10,000,000
Domestic: $ 8,359,717

Box office:

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Summary: The emotional travails of a handsome gigolo and a hunky cop, who are trying to come to terms with their sexuality.
Release Date: August 14, 1998
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 1 h 51 min

Country: Hong Kong
Language: Chinese
Domestic: $ 18,629
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No.7 Cherry Lane (2019)

Lu (2013)

Lei wangzi (2009)

Toh sik (2004)

You yuan jing meng (2001)

Actors: Rie Miyazawa and Joey Wang

Yao jie huang hou (1995)

Actors: Rie Miyazawa and Joey Wang

Xin tong ju shi dai (1994)

Actors: Maggie Cheung, Sylvia Chang, Jan Lamb, Chien-Lien Wu, and Nicky Wu

Zhu fu (1990)

Actors: Maggie Cheung, Sylvia Chang, Jan Lamb, Chien-Lien Wu, and Nicky Wu

Liu jin sui yue (1988)

Actors: Maggie Cheung and Cherie Chung

Immortal Story (1986)

Actors: Maggie Cheung and Cherie Chung

Mei gui di gu shi (1986)

Actors: Chow Yun-Fat and Maggie Cheung

Shao nu ri ji (1984)

Actors: Chow Yun-Fat and Maggie Cheung
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