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Summary: An actor prepares, removing his shirt to iron it. All shirts stay off. In a mix of black and white, color, and old film clips, a homoerotic odyssey begins. Troy is sacked, and Odysseus starts his languorous journey back to Penelop...
Runtime: 1 h 38 min
MPAA: Unrated

Production: Yuca Film
Countries: Belgium, Netherlands
Language: German
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Summary: An American in Holland teaching a film class falls for a young Dutch student/athlete.
Runtime: 1 h 32 min

Production: Allarts, CinéTé
Countries: Belgium, Netherlands
Language: Dutch
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Summary: Avant garde look at handsome men and and fag hags amid musical numbers in this essentially plotless movie.
Runtime: 1 h 45 min

Countries: Belgium, Netherlands
Language: Dutch
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Summary: 'Je' is a girl voluntarily lock up in a room. 'Tu' is the script. 'Il' is a lorry driver. 'Elle' is the girlfriend.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min

Countries: Belgium, France
Language: French