  • Baker Terry
Summary: Set in a world populated by anthropomorphic food, Apple and Onion, a pair of childlike newcomers to the big city, attempt to fit in to their new surroundings.
Release Date: May 14, 2016
Runtime: 0 h 11 min

TV Series budget: $ 1,000
Summary: The life of a twelve-year-old boy who happens to be a blue cat as he lives with his family and other strange creatures.
Release Date: May 03, 2011
Runtime: 0 h 11 min

Summary: Behold the dark tales of medieval times, where life is grim, absurd, and humiliating. In other words, seriously relatable.
Genre: Animation

Production: Nice Try.
Country: United States
Language: English
Summary: Follow Red Guy, Yellow Guy, and Green Duck as they learn about family, electricity, and death. Beware the strange and dangerous twists that come their way as their seemingly-safe house reveals that they live in an actual nightmare.
Release Date: September 23, 2022
Genres: Comedy, Horror
Runtime: 0 h 23 min

Language: English
Summary: It's small. It's fluffy. It rocks a fierce pink bow. It's no ordinary kitty. It's Battle Kitty, and Kitty is using her super-strength, monster battling intuition, and amazing accessories to unlock a new battle ground.
Release Date: April 19, 2022
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Language: English

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