  • Drew Fellman
Summary: A documentary that follows Dr. Patricia C. Wright's mission to help lemurs, the highly evolved creatures who arrived on Madagascar millions of years ago as castaways but are now highly endangered.
Runtime: 0 h 39 min

Production: IMAX, Warner Bros.
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Language: English
Domestic: $ 11,272,213
International: $ 5,588,642
Summary: In the mountains of Sichuan, China, a researcher forms a bond with Qian Qian, a panda who is about to experience nature for the first time.
Runtime: 0 h 42 min

Production: IMAX
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 7,574,012
International: $ 247,963
Summary: This heartwarming film documents orphaned orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who rescue and raise them-saving endangered species one life at a time.
Runtime: 0 h 40 min

Distributor: Warner Bros.
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 25,978,556
International: $ 15,665,919