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Summary: Mutter Krause and her children live in the poorer section of Berlin's Wedding district. The film depicts the cruelty of poverty and communism as a rescuing force that reaches Mutter Krause and the child too late.
Runtime: 2 h 01 min

Country: Germany
Language: German
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Wir marschieren mit (1938)

Vosstaniye rybakov (1934)

Schleppzug M 17 (1933)

Actors: Betty Amann, Hansjoachim Büttner, Berta Drews, Willy Döll, Friedrich Ettel, Heinrich George, Kurt Getke, Will Meisel, Maria Schanda, Wilfried Seyferth, Alex Stone, Joachim Streubel, and Josef Fenneker

Jenseits der Straße - Eine Tragödie des Alltags (1929)

Actors: Peter Pewas
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