  • Jonathan Estrin
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  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 4 March 23:51 to post doomer in love

    Mgtow and the incel movement are not the answer brother. One must accept female nature and the fact that men and women are inseparable, without accepting the whole wave of modern degenerations. Stay strong.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Beertje BlauwRWT 21 December 2024 8:02 to post Feedback

    Years ago we still had some Dutch bands with nationalist themes, the best in my opinion was Standrecht. But yes looking forward to seeing the music forum, would give me an opinion to re-listen to some old bands I used to like.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    BrahmanBrahman 14 August 2024 10:24 to post Blade Runner 2049
  • This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
    RWT 16 September 2024 20:48 to post Fantastic Religious Drama!

    Oh, but I guess that tired cliché of grief in a horror film was still there. Definite minus points but still recommend it.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    alishaAnon 24 November 2024 5:01 to post FAQ


  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    iwatchshit 16 February 13:58 to post Dumb b**ch

    sounds like a good watch

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 19 August 2024 19:51 to post Good old Morrowind in new packaging
  • This review was posted from Norway or from a VPN in Norway.
    JaegerSTFU Hollywood 6 March 6:17 to post Feedback

    Don’t listen to that faggot kike. Appreciate what you do, please don’t let this shit die.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 17 August 2024 16:19 to post Ryan Gosling

    The adventures of Ryan Gosling:

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahmanalisha 19 August 2024 12:07 to post You have to pay for everything

    Yeah, I watched it the other day and decided to share my impressions. It’s scary that people have forgotten how to think and form their thoughts and perceive any consistent text as the generation of a neural network.

  • This review was posted from Italy or from a VPN in Italy.
    Anonalisha 13 January 16:50 to post FAQ

    Lol cry more.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 17 August 2024 20:04 to post You have to pay for everything

    Beyond its surface narrative, “Angel Heart” can be interpreted as an allegory for the spiritual journey of an individual, revealing yet another layer of meaning.
    In this context, Harry Angel’s initial state represents a person unaware of their spiritual nature. The search for Johnny Favorite symbolizes the process of delving into one’s own soul. As Harry’s investigation deepens, it mirrors how turning one’s attention inward can uncover hidden, often unsavory aspects of one’s psyche.

    This interpretation presents the film as a cautionary tale for spiritual seekers. It suggests that confronting one’s inner demons requires substantial mental fortitude and willpower. Without these qualities, one risks being overwhelmed by uncovered vices and passions, much like Harry is ultimately consumed by his own dark nature.

    The film’s narrative echoes the experiences of hermits and ascetics who retreated to mountains and deserts for spiritual practices. While some found enlightenment, others were driven to madness, illustrating that not everyone can successfully navigate this challenging path.

    “Angel Heart” thus warns that embarking on a journey of self-discovery should not be taken lightly. It implies that one should only open this metaphorical Pandora’s box when sufficiently prepared to face the challenges that arise and committed to changing oneself. Otherwise, this path may prove insurmountable and potentially destructive.

    This additional layer of meaning elevates “Angel Heart” from a supernatural thriller to a profound exploration of the human psyche and the perils and necessities of spiritual growth, reminding us that true self-knowledge comes at a price and requires strength of character to confront and overcome the darker aspects of our nature.

    Not all secrets need to be revealed.

  • This review was posted from the Russian Federation or from a VPN in the Russian Federation.
    SteadyHands 7 October 2024 9:19 to post Wholesome Family Movie

    I will add that on the plus side there is a theme about founding a Father, which is a wholesome theme, but on the negative side there is a feminist captain promoting the tiresome girl-power meme.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 9 February 0:15 to post A crafty guro shock site, but it's feminist!

    Biggest shame to me is it could have been a decent commentary on addiction/substance abuse, pride/chasing fame, and modern women refusing to age gracefully, but instead of an ending that ties those themes together and says something, it’s lolsorandumb cheap gore shock porn. Disappointing.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 17 September 2024 8:23 to post FAQ

    Trans rights are human rights.

    8 4
  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 8 February 11:06 to post Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    Only play if you’re gay.

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    brainfriedRWT 20 December 2024 19:56 to post Dogcrap

    It’s all good, part of the fun is shitting on it afterwards. I mean compared to ‘Elizabethtown’, Dog Park was fucking oscar material.

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    AnonSTFU Hollywood 16 January 8:48 to post Feedback

    I was logged out and can’t seem to log in again, or reset my password. The username I was using is “Wendelin St Clair”

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 20 December 2024 6:41 to post The Boondocks

    Hey! Sorry. Fixing/setting up the comments and reviews is our top priority. Also will revamp those woke warnings so that you add them manually like tags. And allow custom tags. (Many people don’t even know what fedora tipping is. And now “neo-marxism” is more commonly referred to as woke. It’s time for those to go and allow more creative control by you guys.)

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    AnonSTFU Hollywood 17 January 6:24 to post Feedback

    Yeah when I try to reset, it says:
    “Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails. Get support for resetting your password.”

    I may well have made the username profile without an email back then. In the meantine I’ll just make another like you suggested 🙂