  • This review was posted from Japan or from a VPN in Japan.
    iwatchshit 8 January 19:06 to post Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel


  • This review was posted from Australia or from a VPN in Australia.
    Anon 19 December 2024 6:25 to post The Boondocks

    My phone slipped and I accidentally put 5 for fedora tipping. Shit.

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    Anon 25 February 3:57 to post Coming Soon

    I do really appreciate this project since it’s pretty much the only uncensored movie review place on the ‘net. I think I saw you say something somewhere about how your eventual dream is for this to become an all-inclusive reviews site for everything. GoodReads had been deleting my book reviews (and is outright deleting Dissident and Pro-White books from its site) so it made me wish for an uncensored book review site, like this but, well, for books. I know that would be a HUGE amount of work tho. Oh well, something to dream about…

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    mypasswordispassword 30 December 2024 15:36 to post The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim: Reactionary Review: My Honest Thoughts

    Video review with a contrarian (positive) recommendation. Argent claims
    that the movie isn’t woke, and the arguments show that it isn’t
    *explicitly*. Argents threshold for wokeness seems pretty tolerant of
    it, but his points stand.

    Lots of spoilers in the review, Argent goes through pretty much the entire plot.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 4 September 2024 19:27 to post Selo Stepanchikovo i ego obitateli

    In the 1973 theatrical production (, the director gave free rein to his imagination: Foma appears as a sage, sternly denouncing egoism and ignorance, and even the invited nephew Seryozha succumbs to his charms.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 27 October 2024 16:20 to post Enlightenment Guaranteed: When Spiritual Journey Breaks Instagram Expectations

    Heads up: There’s some woke stuff sprinkled throughout the film, though it’s not the main focus of the story.

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    AnonSTFU Hollywood 17 January 6:24 to post Feedback

    Yeah when I try to reset, it says:
    “Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails. Get support for resetting your password.”

    I may well have made the username profile without an email back then. In the meantine I’ll just make another like you suggested 🙂

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 24 December 2024 18:29 to post Whether to see BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN

    This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.

  • This review was posted from Italy or from a VPN in Italy.
    Anonalisha 13 January 16:50 to post FAQ

    Lol cry more.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 16 January 11:13 to post Feedback

    You mean the reset password email doesn’t send or you never set up a recovery email? You’ve been an O.G. user for a while so maybe you had a profile without it. We tried to make it as easy as possible to post reviews without confirmation links sent or any of that, since fighting network effects is hard enough. But situations like this may be rough. Lemme think…
    In the meantime, sorry! Maybe make an alt account? I’ll check back soon after looking into it.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 17 September 2024 8:23 to post FAQ

    Trans rights are human rights.

    8 4
  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 19 August 2024 12:42 to post Violent robotization

    Another important point that I did not mention is that this series “Ghost in the Shell” promotes a feminist agenda – the main character is a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman who easily defeats men. This is not the right pattern of behavior for a girl, such attitudes can harm the female psyche. A woman reveals herself in following a man, her role is family and children. Such women are usually happy. When a woman takes a role in society that is not characteristic of her, trying to compete with men, she may not withstand such stress and this results in mental problems and depression – an example of “American Beauty”. Therefore, watching this film, for example with children, you need to realize that this woman is a robot and she is forced to act in such conditions and explain how to do it right, and it is better not to watch such films with children at all.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 17 August 2024 20:04 to post You have to pay for everything

    Beyond its surface narrative, “Angel Heart” can be interpreted as an allegory for the spiritual journey of an individual, revealing yet another layer of meaning.
    In this context, Harry Angel’s initial state represents a person unaware of their spiritual nature. The search for Johnny Favorite symbolizes the process of delving into one’s own soul. As Harry’s investigation deepens, it mirrors how turning one’s attention inward can uncover hidden, often unsavory aspects of one’s psyche.

    This interpretation presents the film as a cautionary tale for spiritual seekers. It suggests that confronting one’s inner demons requires substantial mental fortitude and willpower. Without these qualities, one risks being overwhelmed by uncovered vices and passions, much like Harry is ultimately consumed by his own dark nature.

    The film’s narrative echoes the experiences of hermits and ascetics who retreated to mountains and deserts for spiritual practices. While some found enlightenment, others were driven to madness, illustrating that not everyone can successfully navigate this challenging path.

    “Angel Heart” thus warns that embarking on a journey of self-discovery should not be taken lightly. It implies that one should only open this metaphorical Pandora’s box when sufficiently prepared to face the challenges that arise and committed to changing oneself. Otherwise, this path may prove insurmountable and potentially destructive.

    This additional layer of meaning elevates “Angel Heart” from a supernatural thriller to a profound exploration of the human psyche and the perils and necessities of spiritual growth, reminding us that true self-knowledge comes at a price and requires strength of character to confront and overcome the darker aspects of our nature.

    Not all secrets need to be revealed.

    Read more, more 26%
  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    Anon 25 February 3:56 to post Feedback

    My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?

    Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.

    Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    BrahmanBrahman 14 August 2024 10:24 to post Blade Runner 2049
  • This review was posted from Norway or from a VPN in Norway.
    Jaeger 16 September 2024 14:37 to post My wifes bull made me watch this...

    Stunning and brave.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 8 February 11:06 to post Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    Only play if you’re gay.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 26 September 2024 19:56 to post okay

    The messaging in this is terrible
    >your dad is secretly an evil killer
    >family men with normal lives are secretly evil killers
    >mystery meat pop stars good

  • This review was posted from Norway or from a VPN in Norway.
    Anon 6 March 6:14 to post doomer in love

    What a confusing mixture of cringe and basedness. It’s like caviar served with manure. 

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 8 December 2024 20:34 to post Loki

    Basically watch the last 2 episodes of the season 2 and forget everything else. Because that’s the only time Loki actually gets any development, or even something to do. The rest of the time it’s the Annoying Cuntfaced Bitch show. Every time this ‘Sylvie’ shows up it’s unbearable to watch. Even if she wasn’t, she just has no arc. She runs in, screeches obnoxiously, then acts like a dumb impulsive mingebag while being treated as The Bestast Evar by everyone, literally every episode. Even Loki is reduced to a dribbling lapdog in her presence. On top of that she has a low class northern accent and sounds NOTHING like any of the other Asgardians. When she finally fucks off in those last two episodes we finally get the time travel kino we were waiting for, though by then it’s almost too little too late. But Kang was actually decent. In fact he was the complex villain that Marvel was lacking. If you ask me, Thanos was just a bitch. It’s a shame Jonathan Majors had to chimpout IRL and knock his ex’s teeth out.
