A friend recommended I watch this because she's into UFO's lately. And it's free on YouTube so I figured: "Why not?"
Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret (FULL MOVIE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7HXocgnExw I had heard a lot of the talking points elsewhere and they all seem pretty reasonable. But I think correlation doesn't mean causation. Many people on the Artbell...
This is an excellent movie even considering the slow pace and lack of action. Nicholas Cage so thoroughly embodies the character he is unrecognizable for most of the film. This is a rare film from Hollywood that does not push any agenda but rather simply follows a man who has decided to isolate in a cabin in the woods and the backstory that got him there. Throughout, Cage is disheveled. With a dirty...
This movie came out almost 30 years ago- in 1993- and garnered countless nominations and awards. It is one of those movies that showcase a year in the life of a person or a family with all their hardships but with no real purpose in the end. There is no payoff. There is thankfully no agenda, but this maybe due to it having been made so long ago. Depp and DiCaprio are at the beginning...
I was curious to see this only because it had won best picture at the Academy Awards last year and I have found that any best picture is usually voted 'best' for a reason. It turns out it is an extremely well made movie. For almost the entire length of the film, (which by the way is subtitled), it is hard to tell what will happen next which is always a good sign in a script. The set...
A tense psychological drama, this movie keeps viewers guessing for most of the film as to what exactly happened to Nick Dunne (Ben Afleck) wife who goes missing. It is very reminiscent of the Scott and Lacy Peterson case of two decades ago, which was most likely used purposefully in order to side track the audience.
There is virtually no agenda from Hollywood present in this production...
This is one of those movies that portrays exaggerated character doing ridiculous things. If you can watch it with that in mind it can still be entertaining. (Personally I like a more realistic storyline.) Overall it was a fun movie to watch and has some really nice ideas when attempting to describe the back story of Santa. This reminded me of American Beauty in the sense that it is...
Overall this is a fantastic movie. One reason is: it is complex. There are so many films made for the lowest common denominator audience member now that something that is difficult to follow is almost a treat. I don't think even the film makers thought anyone could follow all of the plot points the first time through. The time element is probably the most difficult to follow because this is different...
This movie was very well done and thankfully stuck to the historical truth of what happened when two old Texas Rangers were called out of retirement to help capture Bonnie and Clyde. Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson are cast as the lead characters whose increasing age cause them to question their ability to do what was needed to crack a case in the 1930's- drive the 'highways'...
This may be the most difficult review I will ever do. When this movie first came out there was an outcry- this was the most outrageous pile of garbage Hollywood has ever made. A story of a man seducing a young kid to have sex with him? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? The right trashed it mercilessly, the left applauded it. Yet another chasm between the two sides of the political spectrum. How in the world...
This is a fun romantic comedy- especially for girls. It follows two girlfriends who get themselves deeper and deeper into trouble in the world of espionage which includes loads of criminals as well as handsome british spys . Kate McKinnon really shows her comedic talent in this and the relationship between the two makes for a very entertaining film. One element that stood out though as I watched...
This is a fanciful movie about how Charles Dickens may have been inspired to write his most famous work, A Christmas Carol. It reminded me of Shakespeare In Love a bit because it is a "what if" on how they came up with their greatest works. Christopher Plummer plays the fictitious Scrooge and has the best scene when he and Dickens are arguing on how to go forward in the story. So it is a very...
This 1976 film is incoherent and choppily edited, full of 1970's tripe. The scenes go on and on and then arenseemingly randomly spliced together. It is obsessed with naked bodies (especially Bowie's) trying to shock the audience. It is pretentious- an artsy film where no one acts rationally. This throws you off and is why David Mamet said this about screenwriting : any good story should have a beginning...