This current era binge watch series has all the tropes we despise yet it highlights them in a negative way instead of a positive.
And I'm not even talking about the ways we'd see and understand to hate them, but in the classic warning ways that normies used to see and understand.
There's a dangerous sjw f*g boy who is one of the main villains. Starts out you think he's gonna be the besty of the...
Basically the show is "christianity bad" "islam good,buddhism good"
There is a muslim character that is the opressed minority,secret lesbian character and THE PRIEST IS ACTUALLY EVIL!!! And there is also the ultra religious woman that is portrayed as a horrible person. There is also a interracial couple and their daughter is in a wheelchair. You know, some totally NORMAL stuff for a secluded island...
The first season was intriguing and they could have ended there. Of course they took something that was already very gnostic (like everything else Hollywood puts out but more literal here) and about woman killing God and made it even more about wahmen and being ridiculously woke in later seasons. Disney will eventually have a real life Westworld for groomers
The series becomes boring
The demonic modern feminine mocks the saintly classical feminine. We're supposed to view Maud as delusional because of the hamfistedly over the top way she's written and portrayed here, but the filmmakers self own themselves with how detestable the modern world is as well with its hedonism in the face of nihilism and skepticism. There's many shots too of the JOKER stairs walk which is very much like...
For a new show it is very impressive. It's what "Stranger Things" should have been. I highly recommend it but I have a few gripes with it. Like most shows, it goes downhill after the 1st season. It becomes too whacky and like a Marvel movie in the 3rd season. Those 3 assassins of varying ages were goofy as f*ck. And once it got into parallel universes with bizarro evil versions (almost)...
So terribly writen. And if they really are going to play on the crazy dogmatic Christian trope (geez, pick an easier target, why don't you?) they could at least be bothered to do some minimal research and get it right. It's just all too obvious this Spaniard has absolutely no idea what he's writing about. Twist was cool tho I guess
Subversive trash
Initially compelling, but it ultimately leaves a flat suto-ambiguous taste in your mouth, that it might just a allegory for Paternal, maternal, and child disconnect in suburbia
Haven't seen this one in a while. Good stuff. Great topics to discuss with a date or family. Especially angsty young teens who want something edgy but without too much glorifying of sex, drugs, etc. The main theme is free will, determinism, and how it relates to the existence of God. It's not a fedora tipping movie, but it's clearly biased in favor of atheism/agnosticism. Solid movie
Good first seasons
A boring Horror movie, which only theme seemed to be birth and child raising anxiety, also a has a terrible ending
In the vision future explored by this show, humanity is divided into 3 factions. The oppressed Belters, an exploited Creole race of substistence asteroid miners whose excess production in extracted for the sake of the Inners, represented by Naomi Nagata, a genius black woman with a past among the rebellious OPA faction in the Belt. The Martians, a militaristic Republic in the midst of trying to...
Avoid this terrible film and enjoy the original version. (Once you know the plot it is not much fun to see it again so definitely watch the original.) This version adds Black, Lesbian, Indian etc. characters which were not in the original story and decides to make an issue about racism while simultaneously portraying 1930s Britain as multicultural. To top it off the famously conservative Poirot decides...
as much as i like most of Tarantinos other movies....mainly Reservoir Dogs, and kill bill. this movie was a big violent mess. I like violent westerns and even enjoy Samuel Jackson in most of his roles however this character described a vile interraciall sodomizing rape as if it was doled out made me deeply uneasy.....only watch if you are deeply bored depraved or liberal
The protagonist is extraordinarily unattractive and couldn't be more Jewish. Unsurprisingly her IRL grandfather is a (((German))) director best know for his portrayals of lesbians in German movies in the 70's and 80's. In the film she plays a recovering drug addict that's living with her gay brother and his mulatto boyfriend and their asian roomate. If this obligatory progressive f**gotry had...
Embarrassingly awkward and self satisfied. Watch The Wiz instead which is almost as strangely pathetic but at least it's endearing and had a positive impact in its social messaging
"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different" -C.S. Lewis
I don't understand current year NPC thoughts and fears. No wonder there is so much anxiety among these people about everything including breathing air without wearing face panties