World History Ideas Film “I have done that,” says my memory. “I cannot have done that,” says my pride, and remains inexorable. Eventually—memory yields. –Friedrich...
<img src=""/>There was a recurring sketch on the late, great, still-underrated comedy show SCTV in which two...
Lifestyle When DVD was first envisioned, it was primarily as a medium to play back movies. But then the studios discovered something unexpected: people really wanted to relive their favorite TV shows...
PJ Media It’s Complicated isn’t -- it’s a chocotini of a movie, ingratiating and inebriating to its target audience, mildly sickening to everyone else.Meryl Streep plays Jane, a...
Lifestyle var dataLayer = window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'videoName': 'Citizen Kane - The Theatrical Trailer', 'videoType': 'Curated' }); Given that the years since Orson...
Lifestyle The online dating site Ashley Madison has some 15,200,000 members and a catchy slogan: "Life is short. Have an affair." Don't tell that to John "Scottie" Ferguson. He's the protagonist of...
For the first time I generally don’t walk out on movies. I won’t give a bad movie the satisfaction of driving...
[1]3,648 words
Today being April 15, the much-dreaded “Tax Day” (for our non-American readers, this is the deadline each year when federal income taxes for the previous year must be filed...
I would call Mevlin Van Peebles Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song the Citizen Kane of blaxploitation films if I actually thought that
As Christmas Day approaches, it gets harder and harder to find a seasonal movie I haven't said everything I want to say about in my Christmas column of 2005, 1994, 1957... White Christmas, Holiday Inn,...
For our Saturday movie date this week, a muted centennial: Orson Welles was born one hundred years last Wednesday - May 6th 1915, in Kenosha, Wisconsin - and I thought the anniversary would have been a...
New German cinema spawned a lot of full-fledging, and oftentimes f*ggy, narcissists, but hysterical homo-supremacist Rosa von Prau
These are the Top 12 Things I Noticed for the First Time Upon Seeing CITIZEN KANE in a Theater. In order of when they come in the movie:
(1) In the “News on the March” newsreel, the decrepit...
Through the lens of the 1941 classic 'Citizen Kane,' a documentary filmmaker seeks to understand the life journey of President Trump and his successful venture into politics.
Someone should make a movie about this movie.
A newly restored documentary spotlights her desp*csable Team Communism cheerleading.
Citizen Kane
“Money doesn’t change you, it just magnifies who you are.”
Tony Robbins
“The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.”
Albert Schweitzer
One of Orson Welles’s...
This modern Italian twist on classic fairytale lore won the Best Screenplay award at Cannes in 2018. Happy as Lazzaro follows Lazzaro (Adriana Tardiolo), a good-hearted and young peasant, who is asked...
This highly regarded film from director Orson Welles (The Other Side of the Wind) and writer Herman Mankiewicz, is the life story of the titular character Charles Foster Kane (Welles himself), his rise...
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by psychocandy on 2016-03-26 08:55:26. psychocandy said:
Bree talks with her female psychotherapist.