F**king retarded. You just know every jojo fan faps to these characters. Gross
I admit when things get too popular I often feel the need to be contrarian and try to return balance to it and I was sour on this show for a long time. Sitting down and watching it thought it is truly an excellent piece of work. It is definitely the best anime ever made when it comes to exploring core political issues such as international relations, historical revisionism, the security dilemma, and...
You've all heard it. Game of Thrones is awesome. Sick action. Amazing dialogue. Incredible plot. [And the fact that any characters can die, which takes first-time viewers off guard, feels startlingly original.] What's important to know is the quality of the seasons, which you will sense yourself. Season 1 is really good - a little bit slow, and takes a couple episodes to hook you, but great nonetheless....
Awesome series. Season 3 is full of "toxic masculinity" and "transphobic" content so I wonder if that's why it's not on Netflix USA yet...
Mild spoilers below:
So much for the "tranime" meme. Anime is based.
I will admit I never liked this show. Its very clearly not designed for someone like me, I will give it credit as I will give anything that attempts to show an intact black family unit. Regardless of how you feel about African American's the media really doesn't help to promote a functional culture or identity for them. Even if many of these issues such as crime and fatherless families are very common...
Overall while its political message can be both hamfisted and incoherent I would say Snowpiercer is a good show and worth watching. It is in a lot of ways evidence of how the left doesn't understand how right winged people think particularly in the post-Trump era. The things that this show criticizes seemingly on the grounds that they are right winged such as corporate greed, the destruction of the...
Great series except for the obligatory white chick/black guy in the bunkhouse...I'm sure that was meant as a poke in the eye to the white men who are the target audience of the show.
Anime has been a degenerate force on men in the world, especially the West. It likely plays a role in the transexual pandemic of young men becoming autogynephilic - the attraction to the idea of themselves as a female. As well as an obsession with neoteny that creates a slippery-slope to pedophilia with things like "lolicon." The only thing Vinland Saga is guilty of in this regard is at most the...
Out of all the anime's I have watched over the years this might very well be the one I have laughed out loud the most to. In particular I would recommend the dub as Goblin Slayers voice actor does a great job.
Goblin Slayer is more or less an extremely dark comedy that is a partial parody of DnD and fantasy anime's. The main character (Goblin Slayers) family and village were destroyed by Goblins...
Netflix on the whole has a very mixed record when it comes to its original content with its horror shows in particular being rather bad on the whole. This is certainly not one of them.
This show has a lot of things going for it, it involves found footage, is Lovecraftian in nature, has a great dark ambient soundtrack and is well written in the sense that I couldn't guess what was going to happen
Watch a compilation of John Cena's performance on YouTube. Other than that, the show is Deadpool for DC nerds. Skip
Kurumi is the only reason to watch this show and is my waifu
Not sure where to start, Rick and Morty is Dexters Laboratory, written by the worst most resentful office-working yuppy trash on the face of this planet. The entire cartoon series is basically one giant narcistic ego trip, for some four-eyed, hip f**got, who is meek and manipulative in real life, but in his daydreams he is like supersmart and just rude to everyone. The entire show just oozes this...
I found the show incredibly enjoyable and funny and interesting. Each episode of the series has a lot of intrigue and even in the first episode it is over the top and funny. It doesn't push a lot of annoying politics down your throat trying to make you feel one way or another about things. It does include a homosexual marriage which sucks and it also includes a little but of girl boss and man emasculation....
Very very impressed. Really glad Crazando recommended it because when I saw the trailer I wanted to see it. I'm a big fan of David Cho and it seemed intriguing. But I told myself, "It's Netflix. Probably garbage." And never looked again. It's like Game of Thrones and Parasite had a baby. But it was only one season so there was no filler. Just lots of serendipitous connections weaved throughout in...
Amazing series. Very artsy fartsy and ADD. No political agenda, just a crazy guy exploring emotional topics with great aesthetics and stop motion animation and introspection. If you like "Midnight Gospel" you'll really enjoy this. Only problem is that it's a few episodes since so much work went into literally every frame
Just don't
I generally agree with what the IMBD reviews are saying about the story and animation so I'll keep this part short: The animation is incredible and the show is a masterpiece of visual storytelling. Instead let me elaborate on the themes we are here for. The good Nobody is perfect and all characters have shortcomings regardless of race/gender (except for 1 imo. see: The bad). They all have good and...
First watched this back in 2018 or so when I saw @HarmlessYardDog mention it in a tweet. Pretty badass stuff. I don't think the creators meant there to be any deep analogies in the origin story of the protagonist. And when you look up behind the scenes interviews of anime or manga staff they often just say they like the Christian aesthetic like with "Trigun" or "Evangelion." However, for a Westerner...
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