  • Production
  • Hymen II
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Summary: In "German Chainsaw Massacre" people meet up with a household of butchers. They detect low cost meat in the East Germans moving over the old boundary into the West and start turning them into sausage. Clara flees the slaying of he...
Runtime: 1 h 03 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Germany
Language: German
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Summary: A light, a day, a leader. Five men, four women, dragged out of the darkness by a hand-held spotlight. We see the last hour in the Fiihrer bunker as it really was.
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Production: DEM Film, Hymen II
Country: West Germany
Language: German
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Summary: The drama of a family resident in Ruhradel.
Runtime: 1 h 25 min

Production: DEM Film, Hymen II
Distributor: Filmgalerie 451
Country: West Germany
Language: German
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Summary: A young boy is lying in bed screaming for his mother, but mama is away performing military exercises. People flee through dark basements to the thunder of bomber planes and an insistently peppy, upbeat jazz score.
Runtime: 1 h 21 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Production: DEM Film, Hymen II
Country: West Germany
Language: German