Chloe Grace Moretz, who began her career in a skintight superhero costume as a sexually exploited child in the disposable Kick-Ass films, embraces her prostitution to the cultural Marxist establishment in her role as a teenage lesbian cruelly condemned to be treated at a totalitarian Christian conversion therapy camp. There, she is insensitively disciplined by a suspiciously cold and masculine...
It is a RAPE REVENGE flick people. Unless you are into actual on screen castration and torture, then don't wast your time. If you are a pervert then just watch it on Heavy R and that way these idiots don't get paid.
Worst movie ive seen in my life.
anti white, communist ideological propaganda.
just a horrible, horrible movie.
I watched it on christmas day, recently after it came out, years ago.
To make a long story ruined my christmas day.
Keep this Pedophile away from Children.
I thought this would be a safe movie to watch with my 3 daughters. However, this movie is very clearly anti Christ.
Not only does it support the idea of dinosaurs (a very anti Christian ideology), but it also very clearly is trying to brainwash children and adults alike to kill god's magnificent creatures. very disgusting movie. don't watch.
Haven’t watched the film but the poster is enough for me to know I’ll hate it
Terrible. It’s the banner example of this website for a reason. Stay away.
It stinks.
Waste of time
I don't understand how anyone enjoys this who isn't a raving progressive. Even if you're apolitical and nonreligious, the show spends hours rubbing anti-Christian and anti-American moralizing in your face. So if you want big dumb action, you'll have to skip whole episodes just to get past the boring speeches. And if you're a progressive looking for pseudointellectual pablum to confirm your biases,...
Trash. It is full of cheating, sex, LGBTQ, bossy atmosphere, and garbage story-telling. Every white guy is portrayed as evil or gay and every black person is a saint. Ryan Wilder is a bad influence on women and children and Kate Kane was just as bad
Just don't. It's early globohomo stuff.
This current era binge watch series has all the tropes we despise yet it highlights them in a negative way instead of a positive.
And I'm not even talking about the ways we'd see and understand to hate them, but in the classic warning ways that normies used to see and understand.
There's a dangerous sjw f*g boy who is one of the main villains. Starts out you think he's gonna be the besty of the...
An overall worth while show with a classic heroes story arc that's engaging and interesting. Though much brutality and blood.. if that's not your thing
predictive programming
based film
seems like it sucks
Communist Propaganda mixed with Historical Satire
my my what do we have here???
This film is an assault on your eyes and ears. The main positives are the performance of Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin. He carries this film like Atlas carries the world. However it is not enough, if anything his incredible passionate performance only serves to highlight the lackluster new cast and storylines. The music is unquestionably the worst score in a major hollywood film ever. What were they...