The Book of Eli 2010 Rewatched 28 Mar 2023
I've been meaning to getting around to watch this one which I've missed over the years. I'm a big fan of the filmmakers and Denzel, but the way it's described here in this review ruins my interest now. I still think it's the type of movie that I would like in my wheelhouse as far as post-apocalyptic...
"‘Shape of Water’ Themed Dildo Sales Skyrocket Following Oscars Success"... "the emerging fetish of laying alien eggs insider yourself" - VICE sex will soon be as inhuman as possibly imaginable
*hysterical liberation in the romantic sense.* monsters from the id
AIDS..... and arrests should have been made... Larry Clark has an interesting photographic eye but has always been suspect... just look at his photography career. at least Gummo has some entertainment value even if it is disturbing. this is just miserable. it makes film scenarios like I Am Legend where these major cities become ghost towns seem favorable.
All the shorts are great, but here's my interpretation of my favorite "Meal Ticket." I think people miss the point. There never was a boy who was arm less and legless. It is all symbolism. There was always only The Liam Neeson character. The legless arm less thespian orator is Liam's performance each night. His artistic drive and passion. He carries it with him from town to town. He nurtures it...
as absurd and propagandist as the Handmaid's Tale but far less pretentious and lame. tour de force performance by the titular woman in this farce sure, ladies, just go ahead and abandon the comforts of domesticity to go live with feral freaks out in the wild if you are being held back so much by us men. there's a lot of homeless camps and flophouses and autonomous zones just waiting to take you...
Atlas Shrugged and sh*t
bleak post- Gen X millennial misery inducing revenge film with no hope like the similar Cold in July and Red White & Blue the targets of his vengeance in this film deserve it but his unhinged and dysfunctional nature and poor planning and chaos he leaves in his wakes really speaks to our times of misplaced...
Brendan Fraser is cancelled. it's time for some representation it's time for a body positive fat positive remake of The Whale starring Kelly Clarkson the other day she said she wanted a John Wick musical. never go full Kelly Clarkson
celebrity midwits freed child murderers
Die Free or Live on in Direct to Video Hell or John Wayne & The Hacker Known as 4chan
I'm not saying it's bad I just don't think it comes together as good as the original 3. too nebulous. in reality what could a cowboy do against tech stuff and computers? can't punch a computer. can't unplug every computer. demoralizing really showing the beast system is too ingrained for good men to really...
For edgy white "cyberpunks" (usually a 40 something comic shop nerd w/ balding hair tied back in a ponytail & a sci fi or heavy metal t-shirt) who actually think they're "fighting the man" and that black power activists actually like them and wouldn't slit their throats come the revolution (that "will not be televised").
forget this trash propaganda and read this instead which describes the real problem in western societies over the last 30 plus years or more. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D. Putnam (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000). In a groundbreaking book based on vast data, Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors,...
I had a girlfriend who told me that her first sexual experience was with a Teddy Ruxpin doll. She would dry hump it while it talked to her via its cassette recorder (she wasn't delusional just then). this film really gets the female psyche. overbearing controlling prudish mother, Freudian butch lesbian women's prison guard type nurse wanting to stick her fingers inside her, sleazy cheating boyfriend...
I kept being surprised how this was structured like an actual movie compared to the retarded boomer MTV music video for TikTok zoomers which the first film was. James Gunn sort of redeems himself after making creepy jokes about children by using a coloring book movie to unintentionally expose the American funded and involved origins of the coof bat virus via the Dr. Who? Mengele? No. More like Ouchy...
I love the original and can't remember anything about the sequel if I've even seen it. the son ruins this one. the whole wannabe rap star angle for the character is just embarrassing and lame. I couldn't get 20 minutes into the movie before I stepped out and went to the corner store to get a pack of menthol cigarettes and never returned to it.
I love this kind of dirty, lived in and ugly science fiction setting it reminds me of Enki Bilal artwork and comics and good Philip K. Dick stories (is this based off of something of his?) this is how I imagine eventual human life will be like on offworld colonies if we ever get there. cold wars between mining companies and workers and tech going rogue and killing people... I have this daydream...