[1]6,493 words
“Only act with Honourable Men: You can trust them and they you. Their honour is the best surety of their behaviour even in misunderstandings, for they always act having regard...
DVD Release Date: February 12, 2013
Theatrical Release Date: September 21, 2012 (limited); September 28 (expanded)
Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic material, drug...
Just a day after penning an open letter to fans discussing...
According to a new rumor, development on Disney’s upcoming introduction of Blade to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going far worse than previously reported.
Source: Avengers Vol. 8 #10...
Artist Graham Nolan’s contributions to comic books are astounding. He dominated Batman-related titles in the 1990s with iconic stories featuring both Azrael and Batman. He also co-created...
Blue skied days make me think of aliens landing amongst us like in the old science fiction films. Except this time, the aliens are disappointed in what they find. “We have analyzed your transmissions,”...
I loved this show but there were some Leftist values reflected in it. The biggest by far was the idea of a Federation of Planets and a centralized state, similar to the dream of globalists today. Also,...
how would You know you are really invincible, can leap over tall building or that you Don't have mind erasing kiss or Can't rewind Earth's time ?
PJ Media With more than a billion dollars in global ticket sales, Avatar can’t be ignored as a cultural chord that is resonating around the planet. And anytime a movie sells more than $350 million...
A paralyzed woman walks again during a visit to “Lourdes.” My review is up.]]>
Shark movies are hard. They must be, as there has only been one really good one. There have been quite a few perfectly entertaining and passable movies in the middle bracket, such as The Meg and Deep Blue...
This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Oscar on 2009-09-11 21:50:16. Oscar said:
The only significant dialogue scene between two women is an interrogation scene in which the main topic is...
 Aaron Woodley's career in film no doubt has been pampered by his uncle, who you may know, David Cronenberg. After making several short fi
Next week is Star Wars Day (May the Fourth). I, for one, will be celebrating by watching one of the original trilogy at least. Disney+ is encouraging everyone to celebrate by launching Star Wars: The Bad...
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by frankcesco on 2014-09-19 15:57:22. frankcesco said:
The two main characters are women, Helene y Noemí.
They two talk constantly, and sometimes...
2,734 words
Renaud Camus
Enemy of the Disaster: Selected Political Writings
Blowing Rock, N. C.: Vauban Books, 2023
Enemy of the Disaster is the first extensive English-language collection of Renaud...
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