Don't waste your time. Per usual, any Hollywood movie based on a small town will be incredibly racist in its portrayal of Southern whites. With – of course – no sense of irony or self awareness in regard to its blatant hypocrisy as it spouts off platitudes about the horrors of small minded bigots.
I can hang with the stupid Southerner trope even though it's been done to death. Not...
The anti-patriotism rating is maxed out because the entire movie is a critique of our Military Industrial Complex. If you identify with the paleocons more than the neocons that hijacked the GOP, then you won't mind this critique because there are no jabs at soldiers or anything like that. And may I remind you that a Republican president is the one who coined the term "Military Industrial Complex" :
The Leisure Seeker is little more than a piece of scurrilous hate mail that disguises itself as a valedictory love letter to the Baby Boomer generation. Donald Sutherland and Helen Mirren play John and Ella Spencer, an elderly couple whose twilight years are rapidly fading to black. John is a retired literary scholar whose intermittent lapses of long- and short-term memory at times reduce him...
It is a RAPE REVENGE flick people. Unless you are into actual on screen castration and torture, then don't wast your time. If you are a pervert then just watch it on Heavy R and that way these idiots don't get paid.
Disgusting miscegenation promotion garbage repackaged in the transformers brand. There is no real storyline beyond the boring, utterly predictable, interacial relationship which they set the stage for from the start. With of course your typical for degenerate hollywood vile pairing of the White female with a black male. Thats really the only thing this pathetic excuse of a movie is about and the rest...
Sorry, I have to give ratings for the movie even though I didn't watch it and don't plan to. But it's super POZ-ed so probably a safe bet. This was just an email exchange I had with my friend who was a die hard Star Wars fan until they ruined his childhood. Thought I'd share.
Spoiler Alert!
Me: Question, and spoiler alert. It's the end scene (last 10 seconds) of the new star wars I won't...
Keep this Pedophile away from Children.
Haven’t watched the film but the poster is enough for me to know I’ll hate it
Come and See is a harrowing look at the Nazi campaign through Belarus, showing in detail and not shying away from wartime atrocities. I give it applause for being straightforward and harrowing.
On the other hand the bolsheviks are portrayed as stoic rebels, with no mention of their far larger crimes against humanity. Ultimately this is a propaganda piece. One that worked and reportedly helped inspire Spielberg to...
Terrible. It’s the banner example of this website for a reason. Stay away.
It stinks.
Waste of time
Bumblebee kills people in this. Charlie has him throw toilet paper and throw eggs at her bully's car. Bumblebee ends up destroying the car of during this. Jack Burns ends up letting them go even though Bumblebee did kill Jack's comrades and destroy property. Also the idiot's who made this decided that even though the movie is set during 1987 that Charlie and Memo...
Trash. It is full of cheating, sex, LGBTQ, bossy atmosphere, and garbage story-telling. Every white guy is portrayed as evil or gay and every black person is a saint. Ryan Wilder is a bad influence on women and children and Kate Kane was just as bad
As a life long Frank Herbert fan, I can say this film pissed all over his great work. Where 2 start? Neo Marxist Messaging: This film tried to equate the geopolitics on Dune to the genocide of the American indians and imperialism. This was really not in the book. The Harkonens knew so little about the Freman, their population estimates were off by a factor of 100. Misandry: Replacing male characters...
Just don't. It's early globohomo stuff.
Solid series and great premise. Painfully obvious criticism of capitalism as the main allegory though. Also the last 3 episodes when the main antagonists are revealed will irk you. They are all White guys except for one Chinese guy I think. To be fair, you can't really blame a Korean guy for viewing the world this way. America is occupying his land and his critiques of the system...
I barely was able to force myself to finish watching this movie. At first they throw you into a nostalgic scene and change few things in it I think there was like explanation for it but this movie was too confusing to even watch. I don't advice watching it in theatres and find a pirating website to watch it
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