Two new movies suggest something any Facebook user already knows: We’re getting far too good at being bad to our neighbors. The main character in the film, I Don’t Feel at Home in This...
Big Red Intellectual humility—the acknowledgement that the truth is more important than your version of it—requires you to be open-minded enough not only to listen to an opposing viewpoint...
Redbone Jordan Peele’s directorial debut, Get Out, a horror-comedy take on the way black people are treated in modern America, succeeds as a hilarious thrill ride. But as a piece of social commentary,...
BelleOn Fairy-Stories Despite netting over $170 million at the opening weekend box office, Disney’s new live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, received...
When we think of super heroes, there are probably several who come to mind. There are the old standards like Superman and Batman as well as newer heroes like Iron Man and The Hulk. What do all of these...
If you’re going to the movies on a Friday night and have to choose between a historical film about female mathematicians or a thrilling action movie about a former CIA agent, which one would...
Summer Blockbuster Like any red-blooded American male, I’m a total sucker for a fun, largely mindless, action-disaster flick. These are typically poorly-reviewed movies that Hollywood churns out...
Hugh Jackman has been playing Wolverine for seventeen years and nine films, longer than his young co-star Dafne Keen has been alive. In Logan, his R-rated and final ride as the adamantium-clawed mutant,...
It’s always dicey to watch a PG-rated movie with my eight-year-old son. No two are created equal. Some, like Nanny McPhee, are squeaky clean. Others are The Bad News Bears. Luckily, when I...
Don’t get duped into taking your kids to see My Life as a Zucchini. It is a false flag operation for the left’s culture war. The animated film, which opens this weekend in my city, has...
Middle AmericaMcDonald's. Is. Family The new movie The Founder is the story of a thrice-married businessman who wheeled and dealed and got rich by lying and cheating and breaking his word...
Hollywood may have gone ga ga for La La Land, but not everyone agrees it’s worth the hype. As Mark Judge points out, many have found the movie to be little more than “a dramatic facade.” But...
Another Sunny Day The emotional payoff at the end of the La La Land—which just won a Golden Globe for Best Musical or Comedy (along with six other awards, including Best Screenplay)—could...
Regardless of how you felt about the recent election results, one thing is certain—we’re going to be subjected to a whole mess of preachy movies and awards show speeches over the next four...
There’s a moment at the beginning of the new movie Sing where Buster Moon (the Koala bear voiced by Matthew McConaughey) remembers how he fell in love with theater. He is watching a performance...
George Bailey, in the midst of financial ruin and facing jail time for someone else’s mistake, drinks heavily, crashes his car, and then attempts to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Merry...
My favorite Christmas movie is The Bishop’s Wife. Never heard of it? You’re not alone; I’ve met very few people who have heard of it, let alone seen it. My family first came across...
“Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this man was born blind so that the works of God may be manifest in him.” The story of the man born blind from the Gospel of John as retold by Jackie...
The Love We Found As Christmas approaches, the choice of which Christmas movies to watch over the remaining days looms. One standard selection is Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, but which...
A 2013 interview with famed film director Bernardo Bertolucci has just resurfaced and is causing widespread outrage. In it, Bertolucci claims that, for the sake of emotional and artistic authenticity...