One of my favorite musicals of all time, I thought that this was a perfect adaptation of the beautiful stage play (people that don't like Russel Crowe as Javert can get fucked).
Set to the backdrop of France's little-known June rebellion of 1832, we start off with long-serving convict, Jean Valjean, and his recent release from prison. Per conditions of his parole, Valjean has to notify any potential...
If you like biblical epics like the 10 commandments, then look no further than Noah.
As a Christian, the new testament is the most relevant part of the bible to me. After all, several biblical figures such as Paul and Jesus himself made it clear that this was a new covenant that was going down a different route than the old Hebrew scripture. The laws outlined in Leviticus and Deuteronomy were pretty...
Good ass movie with little to no affirmative action, no Marxism whatsoever (in fact there are plenty of commies getting BTFO). Even if it did have small amounts of those aforementioned things this movie is still a masterpiece.
Easily one of the best mainstream films to hit theaters. With very very little to no propaganda or poz content. As many others have mentioned, there's biblical themes and style/aesthetic to it. And it's a story of a group of travelers struggling to complete a journey. Not a weak nobody who magically becomes a super hero because *reasons*. The only real questionable thing I could think of is possibly...
Bradley is a strong male main character who is Christian, from the south, a family man and loyal to what he believes is right. He believes an unborn fetus is a human being and speaks and acts as such. Bradley is put in many morally difficult situations and solves them with careful thought and violence. The script and plot are well written - this movie doesn't get the attention it deserves
You’ll love it possibly.
This movie is pure satisfaction in my perspective.
On my top 5 of all time.
Every scene satisfies the heart, mind, and soul.
Every character is one that you can see yourself in. All motivations are understandable. No characters are bad or evil yet all are within a miasma of conflict of good and badness. Revealing the true nature of all things as good. The experience is like looking a mirror.
This movie may give you all you wished for in a film. I hope it does.
Is pretty good like all Tom hanks movies although a young child having a strong mentality like hers is a bit hollywoodish
It’s good.
It’ll make you rich.
Learn from the main character and be him IRL.
In a good way.
Incredible movie, look for us in /co/ by searching for the duck threads, we need new users!
It’s an ambitious restoration of WW1 films, mixed with the ambiance of the time as well as rigorously putting voices to soldiers. Watch it, it’s really good. The anti god rating is only there because the war itself is what got many people across Europe to question Christianity.
Spider man 3 might be the greatest movie to grace are screens from the great cast of Toby Maguire, Kristen Dunst, James Franco to a great choice of Villains. There is not a single con in this movie with a bunch of pros. Some might say some scenes are cringe like the dancing peter parker scene. Which isn't bad and shows how the symbiote has fully taken over Peter parkers body.
This film is shocking. If you don’t like horror, I wouldn’t recommend watching it. I believe the song Distracted, by Sean Spillane, was written for this movie, and is a great song
Fantastic feel good movie with Larry David / Seinfeld esque social satire of the dysfunctional multiculti NY life, and similar everything is connected cleverly innerweaved foreshadow script writing
Awesome movie with great messaging. Fun for the whole family
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It's a movie for adults that love X-Men, because Brett Ratner and his writers, Zak and Simon, really cared to add as many things for the fans as possible. There are no people saying overly misandrist speech, unlike Mystique in Dark Phoenix. I like how Wolverine, though tempted greatly, was able to come to his senses with Jean and decided not to have sex with her. This,...
This is a good action flick for people who love spy thrillers or just action content. The way it moves and angles to the action and lives to be visually appealing is one of the many aspects I enjoy from this film. Even though I can agree that the film is not a film for the easily tempted or the sensitive kind, I can personally watch this with ease and have a laugh at the comedy that this violent movie...
Best show ever. South Park became stale and borderline establishment. Plus, MM made me take the plunge down the rabbit hole without losing my soul. They made me realize you can be redpilled and it doesn't mean you are a skinhead caricature like we have been gaslit into thinking. Love your people and never give up! "Down The RabbitHole" is probably my favorite because I am conflicted with the determinism...
'How To Be a Man' is what '50/50' tried to be but couldn't. If you can find this movie in the deep recesses of the internet (due to the extreme censorship of Gavin McInnes), watch it! Its basically a bunch of Gavin's jokes woven into a movie, but still somehow coherent and meaningful.
Maybe someday the powers that be will let Gavin make movies again in the future