BloodyMovies It's a movie both the DC franchise and fans of superhero action desperately needed: an un-boring origin story where nearly everything works and a woman saves the world. The 'WW' on the...
Movies The new film Wonder Woman, about the female superhero made popular by DC Comics, has been banned in Lebanon, according to CBN News. The reason why the film has been banned from theaters in Lebanon...
WonderMovies Some stories are bound to make you cry, and the new trailer for Wonder is sure to leave audiences sobbing. Based on the New York Times bestseller, Wonder chronicles the heartwarming story...
Go-d-m-Movies A sweet bit of romantic fluff. It's The Boy in the Bubble meets The Fault in Our Stars, but our young sweethearts are adorable in a wholesome kind of way and their story is charming—as...
Go-d-m-Movies One of the stronger entries in the Alien franchise, Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant spends an hour building characters and suspense before unleashing its jump-scares and against-all-odds...
Passion of the ChristMovies The Passion of the Christ remains one of the most celebrated and controversial movies in existence today. When it was first released in 2004, the movie was a blockbuster...
Cars 3Movies The legendary Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) is suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves after being blindsided by a new generation of racers! Now, he'll need need the help...
Movies Some time ago, the blogger Rod Dreher released a book called The Benedict Option which quickly enthralled Christian readers. For those of you still wondering what The Benedict Option is actually...
Movies In a segment on NPR last Wednesday, Bob Mondello documented the bizarre entertainment phenomenon known as “movie twins.” Hollywood has long puzzled the public by releasing films...
Movies The new Power Rangers film will reportedly feature a character who is a lesbian, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Superhero movies generally are not known for including LGBTQ characters,...
Movies One thing has certainly become clear with the release of Beauty & the Beast, sooner or later, every Disney classic will be remade. For most fans this isn’t necessarily a bad thing....
CocoMovies “Never underestimate the power of music.” That seems to be the major theme behind Disney and Pixar’s newest feature film, Coco. Back in December, the studio announced...
Movies On March 1st my newsfeed exploded with angry moms. Our beloved Beauty and the Beast is GAY. Well, not exactly. And perhaps that’s where we should start. Is this a “Gay” movie?...
The ShackMovies NASHVILLE (BP) -- A fictional and emotionally destroyed Mack Phillips answers a mysterious invitation to a remote, isolated cabin. There he finds a trinity of fatherly love in a woman...
The Lego Batman MovieMovies I don’t think anyone ever doubted The Lego Batman Movie would be a success. When the Dark Knight first appeared in 2014’s The Lego Movie, he gave fans a performance...
Movies Actress Scarlett Johansson is certainly no stranger to controversy, and her recent comments on marriage are bound to ruffle some feathers. According to People Magazine, the Avengers star and...
Movies It’s human nature to share good news with others. When our children started having children, I joyfully joined the ranks of obnoxious grandparents, happily forcing others to...
Movies 2016 is over and the New Year is already racing ahead of us. Not that we’re complaining, as 2017 has a number of exciting movies we absolutely cannot wait to see! With superheroes, reboots,...
Movies Skillet “Stars” (The Shack Version) from The Shack: Music From And Inspired By The Original Motion Picture]]>
Cars 3Movies It’s not over until Lightning strikes #Cars3 In theaters June 16th!]]>