This series ran for several years at prime time in USA, featuring the popular actor Michael J. Fox. It was created by a Jew and promoted many cultural marxist themes. Of course the story included all of the usual characters, such as feminists and a gay black man, while the Mayor of Jew York is a silly old white man who constantly needs to be saved by his diverse staff. The purpose of the series was...
Quite funny movie that is entertaining for an evening
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Jack on 2024-10-06 14:08:18. Jack said:
There may be others, but this definitely passes via Almut and Jade's conversations.
Only watched this for the cool-looking horror monsters. Had to wade through an ocean of sh*t to get to them. Thank Wotan for the skip ahead button. Basically IT, which was bad enough, but literally sh**tier. The commie rot by 2019 was far too deep in Hollywood for them to make a period piece that was even passable. Not many seem to know, thuswell-done pariod piece hangs together by the authenticity...
So I've been mulling this film over since it's kind of stuck in my subconscious for whatever reason since I've now seen it three times, which is more than I've seen some of my favorite movies, and I've...
A small very well done Mafia movie. Has that cozy atmosphere of a small world. I like such movies because the limited scale forces the crew and actors to be creative; the focus is on them. Very pretty cinematography and a memorable music theme. I guess it underperformed for the same reason as Last Action Hero, violence was out of vogue at that time. Very rarely mentioned, even less often than Mobsters,...
Oh yeah, I get it, city folks get kidnapped by rednecks that make them eat boiled hot dogs. Every liberal's nightmare. Me? I like the good-looking Chase, Moore, Beemer. I like the humour obviously written by Aykroyd and delivered by Chase. Freakin Aykroyd wrote himself a penis-nose, that rascal ! I like the magical atmosphere of a lost in time and space place. And a musical number to match! (I stole...
Has there ever been an artist with worse judgment about his own talents and abilities than Francis Ford Coppola? Ever? The greatest realist in the history of cinema has spent his creative life consumed,...
For decades, insistent rumors regarding Diddy’s depraved activities swirled around the entertainment industry. Many people witnessed unspeakable things, but nearly all kept their mouths shut. And, when...
Who Is the Man Behind Bitcoin? A new HBO documentary claims to have solved one of the great mysteries of the internet age.
I think it’s impossible to recall the appeal of 2019’s Joker—an R-rated comic book movie without any superheroes that grossed more than a billion dollars worldwide—without...
Todd Phillips’ “Joker: Folie a Deux” (hereafter referred to as “Joker 2”) defies expectations and will put to the test all of the pre-packaged welcome and fanboy glee that greets it.
The return...
Between the color timing, the shot selection, and the weird lack of onscreen violence despite being rated R, this movie owes less to Stephen King’s novel than it does to the TNT originals based on...
VANCOUVER, Washington — NFL linemen on Sundays and scattered other game days want to throw their rivals to the ground — or worse. Yet these often 6-foot-7-inch, 315-pound tacklers and defenders also...
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Oliver on 2024-10-03 16:09:13. Oliver said:
Michelle and Harry Hills nan have an argument in a chippy in Blackpool
When actress Rachel Zegler gives an interview, Disney executives get nervous. The "Snow White" star has caused no small amount of PR damage from speaking off the cuff, and her latest interview with Variety...
Fantastic animation, character design, action scenes, pacing, soundtrack, voice acting, etc. But like all good propaganda, it spares no expense in pulling the wool over your eyes. I wish they made such quality stuff from our perspective, like a DreamWorks "Scorpion and the Frog" instead. The woke messaging is the same sh*t you saw in "Zootopia" which is that you shouldn't trust your lying eyes. Predators...
Superman guy + voluptuous soft fat ginger qtp who are actually one person without it being tranny propaganda at the same time! Finally chubby girl as an action hero isn't a parody on itself, step into the right direction for true Architect cinemá. John Cena and Sam Rockwell as a bonus. The movie itself is aight but culturally itself it Is a huge 1/8 mile leap. Hopefully Gina Carano gets her business...
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Overtime is for everyone. If you’re a subscriber: thank you. If you’re not, there’s...
Chris Sanders’ “The Wild Robot” has emerged as a true sleeper in an age where animated movies are mostly sequels or spinoffs of toys or games.
Based on Peter Brown’s 2016 book, Sanders’ CGI-animated...